Vectorworks, Inc Employee PVA - Admin Posted October 10, 2017 Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted October 10, 2017 A list of bugs fixed in this release can be found below. If you have specific questions about any of them, reference the bug ID number (VB-XXXXXX) and I can do my best to clarify: VB-145875 crash in -[NNAApplicationDelegate application:openFile:] (in vectorworks) VB-145868 Crash in TParamConstraintMgr::GetClosestPt VB-145798 Can't Type Anything in the Data Flow Bar After Using Tape Measure Tool (Effects Windows VB-145795 Crash opening file VB-145780 [Record Format] Field type Pop-up is loosing defined choices while converting Vectorworks 2017 files VB-145776 QT MovieFile not create.(VS Function) VB-145775 When selecting Velfac UK door/window on a Catalog dialog buttons are not displayed. VB-145761 Lighting accessory geometry inserts as rectangle VB-145753 TXString::GetWidthInNumOfStdChar problem on Mac VB-145750 Tape Measure tool stops entering the numbers in Floating Data Bar VB-145749 Export PDF fails to generate correct presentation in fonts VB-145728 Data Bar isn't working on 2D shapes in 2018 VB-145693 Spotlight fixtures no longer will allow a position name to be manually entered VB-145679 Vision plugin can not be found VB-145677 Crash in AddChainDimMenuItem(int, int, int&, CallBackBlock*) (in vectorworks) VB-145666 Import Resource Dialogue: Please bring back "Don't show this dialog when the active doc has no folder of the current type" VB-145662 Preformatted Worksheets Insert On drawing flag not set correctly VB-145639 Space Object Leader Lines Fail When Space is Translated to VW 2018 VB-145632 Crash in RefreshNavigationPalettePage VB-145627 Event Design: Stage objects do not import textures from online content VB-145609 Layers objects are appearing even though the Layer is set to invisible VB-145597 Localization issue: Title Block Border conversion from old format VB-145592 Random Crash While VW Sitting Idle with Test File Open VB-145585 Space Object: User Data Field 01 is not translated properly VB-145582 OIP Fails After Canceling Offset By Point Operation VB-145574 Export OBJ and Export WebView don't show VB-145505 Irrigation: Hydrozone water use and classing is messing up VB-145500 DoExportErrVal DoExport(const DoExportPrompt& prompt) starting undo but not ending it properly VB-145499 CExtMenuCreateSeatingSection_EventSink::DoInterface not properly ending undo event VB-145498 CResizeTool_EventSink::PointAdded starts undo and does not end it VB-145497 BIMObject CBIMobjectProvider::Import3DS_File starts an undo event but fails to end it VB-145488 VWRecordFormatObj.PopupGetChoicesCount() not working VB-145486 Spelling of Braceworks default folders = Braceworx VB-145466 Site Model: Typo in alert VB-145458 VW2018 File open/translate failure VB-145440 VW crashes in spotlight plugin opening the attached file VB-145437 Crash TitleBlockBorder!TitleBlockBorder::Data::CTitleBlockDataRevision::InitializeRecord VB-145436 Memory leak on ImportSelectedResourceToCurrentFile VB-145432 crash one time, dragging locked viewport VB-145423 Using Select System Objects Crashes Vectorworks VB-145421 Spotlight metric template has incorrect and different scales VB-145417 Resource tooltip has word "Type:" twice (Mac) VB-145413 Problem with a folder creation in non-active document VB-145410 When create objects are suspended, objects created anyway and corrupts other objects functioanlity VB-145390 Crash when copy-pasting title block VB-145387 (Truss with angle) convert to hanging position ends up in strange result VB-145386 if move the cursor to the previous point after fix the point, the fixed point is canceled. VB-145355 VW 2018 Crashes when Selecting a File via Application Windows Method VB-145347 Title Block Border: Title block graphic isn't updated when you change Title Block Border style from the Settings dialog VB-145345 OIP - Data Panel shows Multiple IfcEntity Types Selected VB-145316 Plug-In Manager menu item is shown twice in the Designer workspace on Windows VB-145314 Site modifiers created on different layers have different elevation VB-145311 Internal Error with Stair object: VB-145292 VW freezes when double-clicking a list window in Cross Section Workload dialog. VB-145279 The plane of the callout is changed to the layer plane. VB-145271 IFC "Style" parameter can be changed on the OIP VB-145269 *Opening test file instantly crashes Vectorworks 2018 on the Mac only VB-145253 Vectorworks crashes while starting the Vectorworks Remote Desktop server on an Vectorworks installed by the installer VB-145247 Spotlight 'Create Hanging Position' gives incorrect height in OIP when multiple objects are selected. VB-145245 Wrong options appear in Edit Curtain Wall dialog. VB-145225 DOM: General Screen Redraw Regression 2018 VB-145223 Object Info palette sometimes shows No Selection even if objects are selected VB-145214 Witness lines don't update if position is changed in OIP VB-145199 T01789 - MacBook Touch Bar Support: Changing Or Editing Workspace fails to Refresh the Touch Bar. VB-145189 *Crash in VGM when drawing walls VB-145185 Heavy flickering OIP/Attribute Palette VB-145157 Control points no longer function to reshape the Lighting Pipe VB-145143 Irrigation: POC schedule doesn't use current units VB-145125 Foliage tool: Object doesn't get a symbol from the Symbol pop up in the tool bar VB-145121 Spotlight, Instrument Summary issue with German umlaute VB-145111 Bracework: Reset Index is missing in Workspace VB-145110 Unable to select predicted words in Japanese (Kanji) conversion system. (OIP) VB-145108 When entering Japanese characters in the "Space Name" or the "Occup. Organization", the 67th character is garbled. VB-145103 Define Mapping Dialog doesn't support wordwrap VB-145082 Cursor Alignment is Slightly Off When Trying to Resize Floating View Panes on Win VB-145061 Particular tools won't be created after using Detail-Callout Marker. VB-145042 Floating databar does now allow input VB-145032 Plugin save to user library causing VW crash VB-145027 Drawing polyline based objects with snapping removes the last drawn segment of the object VB-145023 2018 Site Model Source Data VB-145021 Information of a Title Block won't be shown in Create Sheet List. VB-145019 Spotlight Braceworks 3D only raked truss at height when converted to hanging position height = '0'. VB-145017 Alert message will be shown when Create Standard Viewport dialog is closed. VB-145013 Export Custom Property Sets of Export IFC Project doesn't work VB-145001 Crash when editing proposed site model modifier VB-144996 Trying to update sitemodel crashes VW VB-144991 Editing the title block style layout has a very long delay. VB-144987 About Hanging Position and Hoist tool. VB-144984 The Style of Set Hoist Date Display can not be set except for the Plain. VB-144979 In Export Web View, If the Windows OS login user name contains a double-byte blank, a Script error occurs. VB-144939 Spotlight Positions issue VB-144935 T01740- Selection Not Working when Editing Symbol Instance While in "Section In-Place" Mode VB-144920 VW2018 File open/translate failure caused by memory leak VB-144905 Titleblock on sheet does not update when Style is updated VB-144882 Hanging position does not have a Z value of 0 even if it has a Z value VB-144861 Drawing set of walls in multi view and with any RW in right view causes crash VB-144847 ID Label Tool for wall is not displaying the wall mark VB-144835 Revision notes vertical alignment not as expected VB-144829 Space object Room ID on the Additional Data pane doesn't work VB-144827 Site Model; Edit Contours does not work VB-144785 KOS: Setting a space label variable to "Not assigned" is not working VB-144782 KOS: Space Settings dialog does not show new "Additional Data..." in some popups VB-144735 Problems with Umlauts in workspace VB-144701 VW2017 Crashes when creating a Project Sharing file. VB-144647 In the Designer workspace, some check mark indications differ with actual situation. VB-144633 Some Imported Title Block Text objects resized from 2017 to 2018 VB-144613 Project Sharing / Marionette: Edit locked node VB-144602 T01675:Choose Heliodon button is always by instance VB-144599 A message about IFC Data Mapping shows during setting a Space. VB-144570 T01675: Symbol that is displayed in the North Symbol pop up is not symbol of north arrow when you covert sheet border to title block border VB-144521 Marionette: Menu Command returning too many values VB-144484 Crash after placing a T roadway on a site model VB-144462 T01675: Issue data shouldn't be added to the style VB-144459 Slowly insertion of the name of the seating section in the Seating section setting dialog (Win only) VB-144457 ID Label tool not acquiring wall marker ID VB-144456 Alert message is shown when executing "Create Standard Viewports". VB-144409 T01810: It's possible to work with old BIM object file without choosing option in Update BIM objects dialog VB-144392 When Export DWF is executed, the certain objects are not displayed. VB-144351 Foliage (localized) Not Using Default Symbol VB-144349 Changing a Braceworks correction cause calculation to fail VB-144311 Deleting a class and moving objects to another takes way too long VB-144248 Double clicking to insert a hoist drops it in at 45 degree VB-144242 Custom Cabinet: Handle pop up is empty and you cannot set legs for the cabinet VB-144215 Multiple Lighting Devices are removed from the Instrument Summary when updated VB-144203 Space object no longer reporting area in square inches compared to previous versions VB-144101 Question- In the Edit Metallic Shader dialog, is "Offset V (%)" of "Brushed" working? VB-144058 About Export Panorama, it will become black even when index.html is opened. VB-144036 Panorama viewer in stereo mode shows eye locations opposite VB-143992 About export Web view, When exported using the ambient occlusion, oblique lines are displayed on the object. VB-143958 T01581 - Plant tag images are not being saved correctly to the database VB-143955 PIO Styles: Deleting Styles from document replaces object styles with a symbol name VB-143947 Space Objects disappearing VB-143885 In Selection Tool, when "Show Direction" of Polyline's OIP is on, other objects can not be selected. VB-143880 Edit Style Sheet Stamp Text Fails to Update All Sheet Layers VB-143805 Bug in Create Seating Section VB-143742 T01529: Project Issue History and Project Revision History don't display the correct sheet size VB-143730 Structural Member shape collapses when drawing with Point on Arc or Tangent Arc Mode. VB-143595 UI Review: T01789 - Customize Touch Bar menu item is not in the specified location VB-143594 Revision and Issue Data Spacing in Title Blocks VB-143484 Lock to page center on a title block does not work. VB-143416 FS: Grid CW has wrong labels after Export to IFC VB-143303 About the problem when importing "SYLK" file format into the Worksheet. VB-143255 Plant Database shows notice dialog VB-143254 Bug in Plant Database on Windows OS VB-143233 About Export PDF, all strings is rasterized. VB-143165 T01675: Type of Numbering isn't disabled when you set Numbering to Manual Entry for Issue Data VB-143082 Railing/Fence - Post Diameter/Distance are not the same in 2D/3D VB-142809 Should, "Customize Touch Bar..." be disabled or not appear, on hardware not having a Touch Bar? VB-142783 ODBC/ Unable to connect with the records through the IFC VB-142616 T01760: Hoist is inserted with wrong symbol and rotated in 45 degrees VB-142550 Hanging Position does not display witness lines VB-142426 RM should open with 3 panes VB-142075 SBE: IIFCSupport::IFC_IsFieldOptional, IFC_IsEntryEnabled and some more don't return a value (parameter missing)? VB-141929 Cable Tools Multi: two places for weight that are not linked. VB-141727 Resource Name Conflict dialog: "Do not import this Text Style" radio button doesn't work VB-141649 Incorrect default settings for Millimeters Length Units in Units dialog VB-140656 Drain objects are not exported correctly to IFC VB-140588 In Worksheet, characters deleted with "Delete key" are restored. VB-139938 There is a case that the text can't print when the rendering is the openGL. VB-139871 Stair object missing/corrupted VB-139792 Ifc Data Mapping; No Custom Cabinet VB-139119 Show Thousands Separators in Dimension Text - wrong presentation VB-139013 Ifc COBie Export; Facility Category Mapping #2 VB-139004 Ifc COBie Export; Contact Category Mapping VB-138957 Ifc COBie Export; No Zone Category for Spaces (regression) VB-138915 Ifc COBie Export; Facility Mapping VB-138911 Ifc COBie Export; Facility Category Mapping VB-138770 Crash during file conversion to 2017 VB-138677 Lighting Accessory Insertion Tool is not referencing the symbol it says it is VB-138105 DTM, difficulties to edit contour labels by reshape tool VB-138010 ISDK::AlertInform truncates messages (Windows only) VB-132627 Roof Face 3D Component Disappears in Files Converted from Earlier Versions : JBC VB-131016 Create Stair command sets default rotation to the Stage Steps object VB-129548 Marionette; values in OIP of wrapper nodes do not match actual values VB-128737 Selecting Object After Canceling Offset by Point Operation Causes Old Object to Get Selected and View to Change VB-127538 Workspaces: Edit workspace/Duplicate and modify (if need be) result is that a lot of palettes not on page and not docked. VB-126891 Palette Positions Move Randomly When Workspace is Edited Through the "Workspaces" Dialog VB-126453 Fixed point resize tool does not properly end when you use the esc key to get out of it. VB-122174 Crash in VGM? exiting the editing of a Stair object VB-111015 Multiple Objects Get Selected After Canceling Offset By Point Operation VB-98803 Not possible to create polygon from outer boundary mode within test file VB-95585 Polygons and Polyline Remain in Odd Selection State Following Offset Cancel VB-89991 Custom End Caps do not export to IFC VB-57151 IFC walls not determining end caps correctly 2 Quote Link to comment
fabrica Posted October 10, 2017 Share Posted October 10, 2017 (edited) anyone on a imac 10.13 got this working? installer seems to open in a folder called dropbox installer and then nothing.... Edited October 10, 2017 by fabrica image added Quote Link to comment
Vectorworks, Inc Employee PVA - Admin Posted October 10, 2017 Author Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted October 10, 2017 1 minute ago, fabrica said: anyone on a imac 10.13 got this working? installer seems to open in a folder called dropbox installer and then nothing.... Please post a screenshot of what you're seeing, not heard anything like that so far. Quote Link to comment
fabrica Posted October 10, 2017 Share Posted October 10, 2017 when I click the dmg file , I get the Dropbox Installer window above with nothing in it. If i close this and check in finder , I see Vectorworks 2018 Installer mounted but nothing happens when i click icon. Quote Link to comment
Vectorworks, Inc Employee PVA - Admin Posted October 10, 2017 Author Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted October 10, 2017 Toss that installer in the trash and empty the trash. Then, try downloading from the link below by right clicking and choosing Save Link/Save Target As (this menu command might change in name slightly between browsers) and downloading it directly to the desktop. After the download directly to the desktop finishes, mount and attempt to run the application inside. 1 Quote Link to comment
fabrica Posted October 11, 2017 Share Posted October 11, 2017 needed a restart also ! installed now thanks Quote Link to comment
Lars Tuxen Posted October 27, 2017 Share Posted October 27, 2017 On 10/10/2017 at 8:37 PM, JimW said: VB-145223 Object Info palette sometimes shows No Selection even if objects are selected With SP1 installed I still have this problem. It comes and goes, no speciel action makes it happen. Sometimes if I create a new polygon it starts to show the info but disappears again later. Regards Lars (VW2018/SP1/iMac 27" late 2014/) Quote Link to comment
Vectorworks, Inc Employee PVA - Admin Posted October 27, 2017 Author Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted October 27, 2017 1 minute ago, Lars Tuxen said: With SP1 installed I still have this problem. It comes and goes, no speciel action makes it happen. Sometimes if I create a new polygon it starts to show the info but disappears again later. Regards Lars (VW2018/SP1/iMac 27" late 2014/) If anyone has steps that can reliably and repeatedly cause the OIP to go blank, PLEASE don't hesitate to send me the file and steps. Engineering is tracking this actively but replication is a problem. Quote Link to comment
casejo Posted September 9, 2018 Share Posted September 9, 2018 hello, I have a problem to install if you could help me, as you will see the error I get is''the installed vectorworks version can not be found'' this version is for student, and I lower it twice ... Quote Link to comment
Nicolas Goutte Posted September 10, 2018 Share Posted September 10, 2018 Have you tried to give an explicit path like /Applications/Vectorworks 2018 ? Quote Link to comment
Vectorworks, Inc Employee PVA - Admin Posted September 10, 2018 Author Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted September 10, 2018 22 hours ago, casejo said: hello, I have a problem to install if you could help me, as you will see the error I get is''the installed vectorworks version can not be found'' this version is for student, and I lower it twice ... This looks like it is just a service pack updater, and not a full installer. You should be able to get the full installation download on the student portal: If you can't see it, or if the same error occurs with it, let me know. Quote Link to comment
Santiago Zeceña Posted February 21, 2019 Share Posted February 21, 2019 (edited) Hello, I'm unable to get the full installation download, the student portal will only start downloading the service pack updater. It´s Vectorworks 2018 for mac, thanks. Edited February 21, 2019 by Santiago Zeceña Quote Link to comment
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