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Existing Site Model doesn't match Input Data?


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Troubleshooting - I have a site model created from 3d polys and some stake points.


Generally this has worked, though in one particular area the site model is coming up with some unexplained geometry...


See attached image, showing input survey data for terrain (in red) and existing site model contours (green dashed).


Any ideas on why this has happened / how I can fix it?!

Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 12.47.05.png

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 The jaggy parts of existing need some extra 3D polys or 3d loci interpolated between the contours at the jaggy areas (same link as your other thread: https://vimeo.com/195211767).



The deviating of the existing, dashed green away from source red looks like too much smoothing of the source data contours? Compare your source  data with the red and add in some points into the source contours or substitute unsmoothed or less smoothed sources. Or. If available get the survey point data and use that as source data instead of contours. 


Also so see if filling those breaks in the red contours helps when converted to source polys 




Edited by Benson Shaw
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