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Is there a Release Date for 2018?

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Those who have no access so far to VW 2018 and want to spoiler themselves,

the VW 2018 help is online.

If you need, you may find a way to find it.



So far it reads great !

Even Revit Import.


Just this year I will try if expectations from reading keep with testing,

before I fall into excitement.

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So - first impressions (after just 30 mins or so of fiddling!)


Multi drawing views - massive.  Work really well.

Mac Touch Bar - lovely - will be really useful


Interesting new Title block workflow.  Haven't investigated, but boldly upgraded all my title blocks in a current (simple) drawing.


But can't help but be disappointed that there still isn't an easy way to export a camera view (why not through publish command?) - and have to say the UI could really do with being updated now (the what's new video which plays whilst installing hinted at it in it's style).  Just feels out of date compared to other apps (AutoCAD, C4D, Adobe CS etc). I've said that every year for the past 4 years now.


But one small tiny thing I wished for (privately - never put it on the wishlist)  was granted!  When changing units, it drives me mad when VWX loses the show unit, thousand separator setting.  That has been changed and with a whole load of other options to boot!.


Late here now and long day tomorrow, so packing in now.


Well done Jim and all at Nemetschek.



Edited by Andrew Davies
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Its looking darn great... as usual things I could have used in the last project lol! Yes sigh... roll on sometime in November for the Aus/NZ version.... With the new features vids I've hopefully convinced a colleague to come to the light from the Revit dark side! If only one of the new features was an on request extended trial... its a huge amount to take in in one month when you're a sole operator.

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At first glance...Ya there is the Section/Elevation Direct Editing and the Multi View stuff but next to nothing on any enhancements to existing tools in the AEC like doors, windows and stairs.  Remember "At first glance"  Maybe there is stuff deep inside.  Robust Wall Modelling Options has my curiosity peaked.  Just no time to investigate at the moment.


Nothing really, as of yet, has got my mojo going.  2018 Kinda feels like 2016 did.  2017 was a good release.

Hopefully I'll be proven wrong.

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I just got piled into reading the section about Braceworks! What a great development... Very much nearly pushed me into renewing my VSS instantly Then I noticed it had a B icon, like the L S A D ones for the design series products. Turns out it's not included in the Designer package and is around $5.5k to add it on.


Having looked through the full feature list of 2018, other than the multiple views which look nice, I don't think I would have used any "new" features in my workflow.

1 hour ago, Markvl said:

Nothing really, as of yet, has got my mojo going

The only ones I think I'm going to miss out on are the "new" features which are improvements or fixes to old, broken ones. Line rendering on sheets, wall component joins, streamlined worksheets. I think I would enjoy the new title block feature, but only because it would have saved me a lot of time checking the drawing number co-ordination from the exising broken one (duplicate sheets do not update thier numbers and so on)


There must be a killer feature I've missed that I can't live without, surely?

I have noticed I no longer have access to the subscription libraries and the what's new videos in VSS. Only to be expected I guess.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Make sure (anyone, including those outside the US) that if you have any interest in Braceworks that you check with your sales rep, they're running a significant offer for release where instead of paying full price for Braceworks, you can get it for only the subscription fee. I don't know all the specifics but I wanted to convey that info, I do not know when that promotion will expire.

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