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Custom Door Leaf Location

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I would like to add a custom door leaf to a door plug-in object. Where do I need to store the custom door leaves that I have made. I can navigate fine to the default content but would like to know where else the PIO can look to find custom door leaves.


Many thanks

Edited by markdd
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In your User Folder there is a Libraries folder.  Within that there is a Defaults folder containing a folder named Door - Custom Leaves.


Save a file with a unique name that has your custom door leaf symbol in it.   Then place that file in that folder called Door - Custom Leaves.


You can access your User Folder from the User Folders tab of Vectorworks Preferences.

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I"m convinced this is a bug as well.


A few years ago, I built a whole library of custom door leaves.  They stopped scaling correctly (in the vertical dimension) around 2016. Now, they will only display correctly if the height of the door is the same as the original symbol.  Doors still scale correctly in width. 




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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Why in the world can't the Door tool access custom leaves within the file you're working in? The custom leaf pop-up should look like other Resource Manager Pop-ups where you can select the location in the lefthand column.


An overview of my experience just now, as a first-timer to the process of making a custom leaf:

  • Choose a default custom leaf as a starting point.
  • Via RM, modify 3D geometry in leaf symbol to suit my needs.
  • Rename symbol now that it's customized.
  • Door tool doesn't auto-recognize that the symbol name changed, so it reverts back the default leaf I had chosen earlier and re-imports that symbol into the RM.
  • Assume that it's simply not seeing my symbol because of the name change, so I go back into the Door object and click on the Custom leaf flyout.
  • Become confused that there's no way to choose the symbol I just edited. Play around for a few minutes trying to figure out what's happening. Realize there's only the finite list of leafs to choose from.
  • Search "custom leaf" in VW help which eventually tells me "Custom leaves must be 3D-only symbols made from generic solids, saved in the default content location." Ok, good info. Not what I would expect, but at least the limitations are documented.
  • Copy my symbol into a new file. Save it into my User Folder after spending a few minutes trying to find the right folder (this will be easier in the future now that I have a Custom Leaves file started).
  • Go back to my first file and try to find the custom leaf. It's not there. I wonder if I did something wrong? I wonder if it doesn't actually look at User Folder content? [It does, I just hadn't restarted yet].
  • Search this forum and come across this post, and watch the video above, which helped me realize I had to restart VW, which I do, and reopen my file.
  • Go into the door object and success! My custom leaf is there.
  • Realize that this all took 7 times longer than it should have, but thankfully the available resources did answer my questions.


Suggestions for VW moving forward:

  • Allow the door tool to pull a custom leaf directly from the current file.
  • If you rename the leaf symbol it shouldn't break the link with the door objects using the symbol.
  • Have a better description about where the "default content location" is and say that you must restart for it to show up.
  • Add a link to the video tech tip above, within this section of VW help: 5ab58d0413150_ScreenShot2018-03-23at4_25_11PM.thumb.png.5d2ab46bb4be14096df6ae33d084f205.png


Edited by Andy Broomell
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I just realized I now have a question: the custom leaf in my current project file is related to a library file in my user folder called "AEB Custom Leaves".


If someone else opens this project file on their computer and wants to do something with the door object, will they run into issues because their machine doesn't have the same "AEB Custom Leaves" file within their user folder? Will it reset to some other door leaf? How does this work?

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