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Script which adds automatically values along a path

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Hi guys,


I would like to try to get a function or script which helps me to calculate automatically the final value attached to the end of a line adding pre-values along the path. As you can see guys below, depends on the value at the end of a line, the script should recognize the value range and show on the drawing the correct diameter dimension/text.

I was thinking if its possible to attach a record format at the beginning of the paths when you select all the lines and create a script which recognize the lines intersections and show the correct value.

Thanks guys!!

Captura de pantalla 2017-04-25 a las 12.13.35.png

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This looks like you are doing pipe flow (or air flow) calculations.


What you want can be done, but it is not going to be an easy script. You are probably going to want to have multiple interacting objects each with multiple fields.


After 25 years of using VW and lots of scripting, this has never been worth my time to develop. 


I just use Excel when I need to do this, especially since I am often doing recycle loops and need iteration.

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23 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

Yes, the chart is intended to be humorous, but it is also pretty true.

The chart needs to be 3d - showing the coding time estimates too.  I"m sure someone could Marionette it. :)

Edited by bcd
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