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Custom Wall Style help


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I've been trying to create a custom wall for my set design work on TV & film productions. We build one sided studio flats that I show 3 1/2" wide, brick hatch fill & 20 pt line weight on one side representing the finished wall side. Then to be able to insert my 2d door & window symbols & have the 20 pt line wall breaks on each side. This I have not been able to achieve. Also I've been trying to get the symbol to show a 6" deep jamb which I do by placing a 20 pt line 6" long on each side of the symbol (see ref. window symbol by its self) but can not figure out how to get the additional hatching indicating the jambs 6" depth finish surface. So I have been drawing plans the way of the first/top image, a 20pt line & then adding a 3.5" fill with hatching & no line weights. This adds time to achieve what seems like I should be able to do with a custom wall'

I have seen the set wall flats in the resource mgr. but I have never drawn a set wall in plan view like those so I would never use them.

Thanks for any suggestions!

wall symbol sample.jpg

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I think that is the best suggestion yet & just have the window symbol not inserting into the walls. I thought of a way last night while trying to sleep, was to have the 6" deep jamb lines part of the window symbol with no fill out past the wall fill which is more correct, the doors & windows in a single sided set wall just have a 3/4" jamb frame that sticks out the back of the set wall with no other thickness, I've always drawn them this way for better visualization.


Thanks again, I really appreciate the suggestions !

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If this is the kind of output you want, you may try this:


Set your Wall styles so you have OO thickness to the line on one side & a thick line on the other



Make a Window symbol to the size you need & edit the 2D properties



Add a thick line against the jamb and extending past the jamb



Add a rectangle the same fill as the wall but with 00 line weight, it should have the height the same as the window jamb and the same width as the front line added in the step above



Here's the result with only one wall and your wall inserted. Each window symbol would have to have these add-ons.


Edited by Jim Smith
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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I think I finally got this figured out with the help of everybody. With using suggestions from each suggestion I am able to do what I have been trying for some time, that is to enter the same 2D door & window symbols into a single sided & double sided typical set walls. The main problem I kept having & now understand why it was not happening is to have symbol insertion wall caps with having only a solid pen style on one side of a wall, even with wall caps set to components. The only way to get a wall cap on a symbol insertion is the have the wall's attribute set to a solid pen style or the components pen style to be solid on left & right sides, with out these you get no wall caps. So now I know that the wall cap must be added to the symbols, as some suggested. Since the actual set doors & windows are in a 3/4" x 6" frame, I've drawn them to that size. It took me a while to figure out how to get each symbol to work with both wall thicknesses & allowing me to flip the symbol to either side of the wall correctly. 

I do not think I could have figured it out with out each of you suggestions!

Thanks to all of you! I always tell all non VW users how great this forum is!

Custom Set Wall Styles.jpg

Custom Window & Door Symbols.jpg

Symbols inserted into walls.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

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