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Revision Data display is not behaving on Sheet Border

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I customized the Sheet Border tool to work off of a Title Block symbol with an area for tracking Revision entries. I followed the tutorials re: record formatting, etc. It all seemed pretty clear.

The result is anything but clear.

The first Revision Data entry displays in the correct location. The 2nd Revision Data entry is meant to fall into place below the first one. Instead, it appears a third the way up the sheet. Each successive entry keeps moving further north by the same distance. Please see screenshot, and if you can lend a hand, I've attached the file so you can look under the hood. If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here, it would be very much appreciated!




Screen Shot 2017-03-03 at 4.24.31 PM.png

Sheet Border - Revisions Text Issue.vwx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Revisions data is different from other title block data.


I think you have two choices.


1.  Select the title block.  In the OIP check "Use Revision Block" and live with having the revision block live in one of the corners.


2.  Create fields in your record format for as many revisions as you think you will need and place them where you really want them in the title block symbol.




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those are reasonable work-arounds, but that doesn't explain why the revision data is behaving the way it is in my file. There's no good reason for the text to fly up the page the way it is. ...or is there? It seems very close to working the way I would expect it to work. All that's missing is forcing each new line of text to stack under the former.



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I'm not sure why.  


I do know that there is a hidden record format that can't be easily accessed for 'Revision Data'.  VW creates record fields for up to 50 revisions.  (Similar thing for Issue Data).  


I do not know this for sure, but I suspect there is a plug in (maybe it's buried inside the sheet border plug in?) that handles the data for these 50 record fields and draws and formats the revision block.


For my clients that want to control the graphics a little more like you have indicated in your example I always build them into the title block record format.  It takes a lot of fields and it's better to have a worksheet to manage them.




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ok, this is really weird...

so I messed around with my title block symbol a bit, and I've discovered that NO MATTER WHAT, the SECOND Revisions entry is always justified along the center axis of the page! Look at this new screenshot. I put the the rData: text about an inch above the center of the sheet, and lo and behold, the distance and direction between the first and second entries establishes the spacing for all subsequent entries.


say what???

Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 2.54.36 PM.png

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Thanks Pat,

I was actually just logging in to report my own fix to the issue, which is not mentioned in your earlier response to James. So I guess there needs to be a #7 added to your earlier response.


The problem for me, so it seems, was that I wasn't including an ":rNote" as one of my fields in my title block symbol. Instead, I was using ":rAppr" to fill out my description. Apparently, if ":rNote" is missing, it screws up the whole alignment control. Deleting other fields, like ":rAppr" or ":rZone" doesn't seem to make a difference. Very weird.


So word to the wise, make sure to include the ":rNote" field in your titleblock symbol, even if you choose not to apply any text to this field in the sheet border plugin.



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