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how do you get a roadway object to appear as an existing element to the site model.


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I am trying to create a DTM using a combination of survey and google earth data, and using tools such as the roadway (poly) to help carve and add detail into the DTM.  This has all worked pretty well, except that in my siteplan it is now showing the contours in the location of the roadway as being modified per the proposed.  In this project, all roads are existing, and I need them to read as such in the site plan.  


How do I designate that the site modifiers from the roadway are part of the existing line-work from the DTM?







Edited by JROCCI
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@JROCCIHi, the site modifiers will alter any site model you place over them existing or new. Take a snapshot of the existing and use that. Have another design layer selected just for the snapshot as when you create it it will go onto the active Design layer. HTH

Stand corrected about this, but that's the way i find i can solve the issue.

Edited by Alan Woodwell
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You need to enter the roadway as part of the existing data before you build the DTM. I do this by adding 3D polygons to delineate the edge of the road. one polygon will be at the top of the curb, which usually would coincide with the sidewalk, and the other polygon at the bottom of the curb next to the pavement. In the final rendering I drape the DTM with objects that define the sidewalk and the pavement


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Thanks Allen and Miguel.  I appreciate the responses!  


Miguel, conceptually, I think I understand what you are suggesting.   In terms of a work flow or process, I am a bit confused.   Do you create the roadway, update the DTM, then trace over the length of the parts using a 3d poly, cut then paste the 3d polys into the existing data of the DTM, update the model,  delete the original roadway?







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I start with the survey which is a collection of points. I then create 2D polylines that define the edge of the road by connecting all those points along the curb. One polyline will be the top of the curb and the other the bottom of the curb. I then run a script to convert the 2D to 3D polys, which add the elevation of the points. The resulting 3D polys are placed in the same layer as the survey points and the DTM is created with both, points and 3D polys.


The sidewalk and the pavement are just a subset copy of the DTM surface that are offset in elevation by a very small value (0.001" or so higher). I created the scripts to do the drape effect because I did not have Renderworks to apply a texture so this may be easier to do nowadays with the tools available.

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