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DMX Connectivity Articles

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
  1. Using Sandnet to Connect to Vision 2.3 PC
    INSTALLING SANDNET Step 1: You may have selected to install Sandnet when you
  2. Connecting Vision 2.3 PC using Enttec USB PRO Box
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the Enttec USB PRO Box for it to work properly with ESP Vi
  3. Enttec Open DMX Ethernet to Vision 2.3 PC & 3.0 MAC
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the Enttec Open DMX Ethernet Box for it to work properly w
  4. Connect Hog 3/4 to Vision 2.3 PC & Vision 4 MAC via Artnet
    To run Artnet on the Hog 3/4 Console you will need to have a DP 8000 (internal or external). This discussion is valid
  5. Connect Hog3PC/Hog4PC/Console to Vision 2.3/Vision 4/ Vision 2017 PC
    It is important to start by making sure that you have the correct direct connectivity driver, before trying to connect Hog 3 and
  6. Connecting GrandMA Console to Vision 3 MAC
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the GrandMA Console for it to work properly with ESP Visio
  7. Connect GrandMA onPC/Console to Vision 2.3 PC w/ multi comps
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the GrandMA console (or OnPC) for it to work with ESP Visi
  8. Connect GrandMA onPC to Vision 2.3 PC w/ same comp
    During the last few years, MA-Net protocol has changed, requiring different drivers for different versions of the onPC software.
  9. Connecting Jands Vista Offline to Vision
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the Jands Vista offline editor for it to work properly wit
  10. Connecting Compulite VectorPC to Vision 2.3PC via Art-Net
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the Compulite VectorPC offline editor for it to work prope
  11. Connect Hog 4 PC/Console V3.2+ to Vision 2.3/4 PC
    It is important to start by making sure that you have the correct direct connectivity driver, before trying to
  12. Connect Road Hog to Vision using Artnet
    This discussion is valid for the following configurations: Road Hog Full Boar Console to Vis
  13. Connecting ETC OFFLINE editors to Vision via ARTNET
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the ETC Offline Editors for it to work properly with ESP V
  14. Connecting Jands Vista Console to Vision
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the Jands Vista CONSOLE for it to work properly with ESP V
  15. Connecting Jands Vista 2 (Byron) to Vision
    There are a few things you need to know in order to properly configure the Jands Vista offline editor for it to work properly wit
  16. Hog3PC to Vision 2.3 PC SAME COMPUTER
    It is important to start by making sure that you have the correct direct connectivity driver, before trying to connect Hog 3 and
  17. Connecting grandMA3 to Vision 2021
    Vision 2021 SP2.1 and later uses MA viz-key technology to connect to the grandMA3 and join an MA-Net3 session.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
34 minutes ago, GoodwinLtg said:

I am trying to connect vision 17 to Hog 4 PC to start programming a show.  Both are on the same computer running windows 10.  Can anyone guide me on the correct settings I need to get the programs talking to each other?




This article, listed above:


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  • 1 year later...

Hey Edward, thanks for answering.


I'm doing step by step an Arnet connection between Vision (running in Mac) and grandMA2 Light. The problem is that when I plug it in the second Arnet slot on my console, Vision crashes and quits instantly. Doesn't happen with the first slot (which is MA-net)

This is happening with the SP2 version. Do I've to delete any kind of cache folder? Maybe is that!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I can't figure out how to connect Vista 3 to Vision 2019 on a Mac computer running macOS Mojave. I have followed the instructions above to connect Vista 2 to Vision. I am assuming that not much has changed. However, Vision does not seem to be receiving the Art-Net signal. Any help would be appreciated. 🙂



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  • 6 months later...

Hey everyone,


Has the console connectivity instructions for ETC Eos been updated? That link is now three years out of date, and I am having some issues connecting Eos Offline (with Previz) to Vision (both are running on the same computer). When I bring up channel one on the console, channels 1-7 (all identical fixtures) come up as if they were patched together. Same thing happens on sACN. And the Vision DMX Viewer is showing no output even though those lights are turning on and responding (albeit as one fixture as opposed to 7).


I should also note that if I try and bring up those fixtures by address, the problem persists. It's as if they were all addressed the same, even though they are patched correctly in both VW/Vision and in the console.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...



Trying to connect Vision 2020 sp5 with ma2 onPC (same computer), using the grandma ESP Vision driver. Every time i try and change the Vision DMX provider to grandma and click ok i get an error saying "cannot open HASP driver.

Tryed to update Vision as well as reinstalled Vision with getting the same error.


Win10 64-bit


Thank you.

Dave Carr

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there - Im running an MBP with vision & Chamsys onPC (the same MBP) - I can only get vision to connect to the virtual desk when I have a valid IP (ie, Im on a network). I cannot get it to connect on a address. Im doing a lot of programming sat in fields (!) so this is an issue...how do I get Vision to work on a (loopback) address please?


Many thanks


(Vision 2021)



Edited by anthall5
added version
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

We have seen the same problem before on the ETC offline software.

We are not quite sure why it happens but it appears that some software sees there is not valid network address and then doesn't broadcast the data over the network or it's internal communication protocol requires multiple valid IP addresses.

The easiest solution we have found is to connect it to a router that will give it an IP address. It doesn't need to be connected to the intranet, just a router or other device that will be able to distribute IP addresses.

Vision listens to all interfaces for for data, so if it's being broadcast Vision should see it.

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  • 11 months later...



Trying to connect Vision 2022 with ma2 onPC (same computer), using the grandma ESP Vision driver. When I try and change the Vision DMX provider to grandma and click ok i get an error saying "cannot open HASP driver.

Tryed to update Vision as well as reinstalled Vision with getting the same error.


Win10 64-bit


Thank you.


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  • 4 weeks later...



I have upgraded from Vision 2020 to Vision 2022 and have tried to open my .v3s file that worked in Vision 2020. I get a file migrator popup that asks to convert it to a .vsn file and open. However, when it loads, none of the fixtures respond to DMX commands. I have confirmed that the DMX provider is the same as previous (sACN), and that Vision is seeing the DMX signals on the DMX Viewer. All of the fixtures appear to have retained their universe and channel assignments as well.


I have also tried exporting an entirely new file from Vectorworks 2022 to Vision, but get the same results. I can see the DMX signals coming in, but none of the lights respond.


Any suggestions for what I can try next?


I am very new to Vectorworks and Vision, so any help is appreciated.



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Similar question to those above:


I'm trying to connect an ma3 compact (running mode 2) into vision 2022. Vision 2022 is the version provided with the spotlight service select subscription.

Running sACN or Artnet seems to give no results/no output and nothing in the dmx Viewer.


Does the ma3 still require a viz-key despite being in mode 2?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

If you are using an ma3 compact is should output native sACN or Artnet to Vision. 
Since you are using the Vision license that came with Spotlight Service select you will be limited to using the first 2 universes.
The full paid version of Vision allows you to access unlimited universes.
Make sure you are using Vision 2022 SP3, we fixed an issue where Vision may not see the data from all network interfaces.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are trying to connect Vision to MA-Net2 with a dongle.


Works fine when all on same PC using loopback and onPC - all parameters available.


Using sACN, MA-Net2 is limited by parameter count. In our case we have as many MA2 Lights as we could ask for, which only grant 4096 parameters even when in the same network. Can't get our hands on an NPU and this is time sensitive, unfortunately.


When using a real MA2 session with consoles, Vision does not respond to an MA2 session that is not the loopback. We can connect our onPC on the Vision computer to the network, but Vision itself won't respond to DMX from MA2-Net. Switch back to Loopback and it all works.


Any ideas?







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Yeeee Haw!!


Solved it. Look in Windows Defender Firewall... Allow An App...


It's called "loader" (lowercase, just like that) but if you click on Details you will see that it is actually in the Vision folder, so I enabled this mystery "loader" and all of a sudden... it works!


Of course we figure things out as soon as we have asked for help... But hopefully this will help someone else!!






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  • 4 months later...

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