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Import DWG paper Space



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^This is a possibility

Also, it could be that the paperspace "paper size"  is way off, I've had layouts looking ok until I set a proper paper size and then found the viewport had to be scaled by a factor of 2,500 or 10,000 to make it properly sized for the actual paper size.
That being said, as Jim mentioned, dwg layouts should import as sheet layers. If it does get imported then there should be sheet layers. If there are and you don't see anything then it may be a scaling issue, i.e. the actual viewport size of the imported paper space is tiny or it is quite a way off from sheet layer origin of the imported dwg file.

If there is a sheet layer imported, try to do a select all and see if anything gets selected. If necessary do a zoom to selected objects to see if anything shows up at all. What also can happen is that there is a stray element on the layout which also gets imported (e.g. when copy/paste an object to the layout it gets (kilo)metres away from the origin of the viewport) causing a scaling issue as mentioned above.

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One other option... if you have access to a dwg based cad program you could try moving the paperspace objects to modelspace by using the command "chspace" This will move objects from paperspace to modelspace and also resize according to the scaling of the page size/viewport. That way you could import the dwg file with everything in modelspace and then move the drawing border and other items to a sheet layer and scale them to the required size.

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