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Site model hollow

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Morning - First forum post.

I have a site model that is set to 3D mesh solid - but when i cut a section or view with clip cube - it's hollow.

Any suggestions to fix this would be appreciated!

VW architect with RW 2015 (Must get around to upgrading!)

Thanks Heaps!

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If you select the site model & give it a solid white fill in the attribute palette, it will show as solid in a section viewport. Still shows as hollow in clip cube though.

Thanks, BG!!

I was testing with the clip cube, which, as you say, does not accept the fill. I should have tried the section VP, too!

More notes:

•Any color fill assigned to the site model shows up in the section viewport - white, blue, etc.

•Color fill also colors the site model surface in Top/Plan view. White is often a good choice.

•Rendered 3d view displays the surface color as either the solid fill assigned in Site Model Settings>Graphic Properties, or as the texture assigned in Site Model OIP Render tab. But this doesn't affect fill in the section VP.


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the terrain model is a solid (even if it's called 'a mesh solid'), or at least it interacts in solid operations with other solids.

otherwise the cut'n fill calculations wouldn't be possible in real time and wouldn't be updatable.


Edited by gester
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