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Sub classes for PIOs


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I've got most of my Traveler object done.

It calculates and displays the stacking for a basic center split curtain like a front stage drape.

There is one issue that isn't quite right. The Softgoods objects take their sub-classes from the current object defaults for the system, rather than the values set by the record nodes.

How do I set the default values before the objects are created? My first attempt was to use existing objects as control graphics, but the Softgoods don't respond well to setting their length by record nodes.

I welcome other comments as well. What do you need when laying out drapes?

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  • 4 weeks later...

@MarissaF - I'm bumping this as it is still my best working version.

Can you give me any help in either pre-defining or changing new objects? The SetRecordField node just doesn't seem to do the job for all fields. Please note the SoftGoods PIO has an Update button. Can I get to that somehow? Is there another reset function available?

Would you recommend abandoning SG objects and doing the whole thing from scratch? Maybe using the SG record to help worksheets see it with 'normal' SG objects?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi Rick - I have been working on creating new records and building them into Marionette Objects and I still haven't quite figured it out, so I am not sure if using a predefined SG object is better or worse than the starting from scratch. However, I do have a couple of nodes that I use to edit multiple record fields. V1 is for editing multiple record fields of one object, and v2 is for editing multiple record fields of multiple objects.

Let me know if this helps,


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Glad to hear I'm not the only one with classing issues.

I don't think I would gain anything with those nodes except slightly better efficiency. Maybe for v2...

I'm actually calling this project done, well for v1. Abandoning making it a PIO object lets me get to the SG objects after the basic sizing is done. It means I'll likely have to redo some editing on some projects but that will be far less work than fixing all the issues.

I'll post the wrapper over in the share forum.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A minor discovery.

When the network is run in a new file it calls up the Softgoods parameters dialog as no SG objects have been created yet. This gives a chance to set some of the values that will stick with each run of the network.

I never noticed it as I started by importing some SG objects. It still leaves many issues with the many SG settings, but it's a lot closer.

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