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Duplicate Array

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I am working on my first scripting project, with very little experience in scripting at all, hence why I am playing with Marionette.

I am trying to do a basic duplicate array, where my x offset would have a value, as would the z, but nothing for the y. I don't see a node for this. What is the best way of doing this?

Thanks for you help.


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Been looking for the post by Luis M Ruiz where he has a lot of examples that will assist you getting into Marionette.

Someone will know but here are a few from the post that may assist.

HTH and Good Luck, if you get stuck ask here and others will be glad to assist.

Edited by Alan Woodwell
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  • 5 weeks later...

I am still struggling with how to make an array in 3d space. I am trying to make cubes and stack them. I keep finding that if I get my xyz for the starting point for each cube, and make rectangles to extrude they ignore the z coordinate. This makes sense to me why it doesn't work they are only 2d objects, but I have not been able find the work around. If I create extrude first I don't know how to duplicate array them.

Thanks for any help.


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I am still struggling with how to make an array in 3d space. I am trying to make cubes and stack them. I keep finding that if I get my xyz for the starting point for each cube, and make rectangles to extrude they ignore the z coordinate. This makes sense to me why it doesn't work they are only 2d objects, but I have not been able find the work around. If I create extrude first I don't know how to duplicate array them.

Thanks for any help.


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Hi, not near a computer to give you an example but you can sequence the base height the same way you are doing with the extrude top. Simple attach a sequence network to the bottom height of the extrude node, this will give you a starting z height.

Alternatively you can sequence a move node.


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