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Objects "moving" in Final Quality (render cache?)



I have a small project that I am working on that includes six columns that are hybrid symbols that I created. Originally I had them laid out with three on the left side of the scene and three on the right side. All was well. I eventually decided to move them equidistant across the screen. All seemed well and the columns showed up correctly in plan view and perspective view using wireframe, Open GL and hidden line rendering. Once I rendered in final quality the columns moved back to their original locations. I would assume there is some sort of cache memory going on, but I have no idea why this is a feature anyone would want. The only solution was to close and then re-open the app.

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8 months later and a new version of VW and still having issues with Final Quality Renderworks "caching" information.  Is there something that fixes this?  I make changes to something after it has been rendered in Final Quality, those changes often do not show up.  They appear in wireframe and other rendering options, but Final Quality just runs home to whatever it rendered last.  

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
15 minutes ago, scottmoore said:

8 months later and a new version of VW and still having issues with Final Quality Renderworks "caching" information.  Is there something that fixes this?  I make changes to something after it has been rendered in Final Quality, those changes often do not show up.  They appear in wireframe and other rendering options, but Final Quality just runs home to whatever it rendered last.  

Do you happen to have a file where this can be reproduced reliably? So far I've only seen it at random and can't reproduce the problem on demand. A reproducible example is extremely helpful for engineering to track down specifics. If so, please send it to me in a direct message.

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Thus far it seems to be random in nature, however, once the problem occurs, it seems to be persistent until I restart the application.  I will try a custom render and see how that behaves.  This does impact workflow as I often do a quick Final Quality render of various things as I am working with just command-shift-F.  



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I've put in a request for letting users pick a Renderworks Style and give it a keyboard shortcut, so they dont need to lean on just the default modes for convenience, I'll add this thread to that wish. I like to be able to just slap the keys and grab a coffee as well out of habit.

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Attached are two screen captures.


The first, a wireframe of my current camera view with my fixtures in newly laid out positions.58efc87df12c4_ScreenShot2017-04-13at2_46_55PM.png.d73882871804c62293ca30fb14e69a91.png


The second, my same camera view, rendered using a custom renderworks artistic style, displaying my fixtures in their OLD positions..


Can anyone advise on why the render does not reflect what is drawn and shown in the wireframe camera view?


Edited by cwinterLD
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
10 minutes ago, scottmoore said:

I have the same exact issue. It's been discussed in another thread I believe. 

Merged threads as they are the same issue, we have an internal case being tracked now on this even without replicate-able steps because of the number of users (myself included) that are encountering this. I do not know this for a fact; but it does seem to have become more prevalent since sp2/sp3.

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Same problem for me: https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49986-renderworks-cache-issues/


Having to restart is inconvenience enough, but it's even more annoying when working with a large file that takes a few minutes to load up each time. (Or when there's a boss watching over your shoulders while working on something together and suddenly you have to deal with issues like this).


I just wish there were a way to manually clear the cache without restarting?


Also, for me this happens in any Renderworks-based render mode, not just Final Quality... Wireframe and OpenGL are fine.


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Ditto! I am having the same issues. These problems have been around way too long not to have been addressed by the Vectorworks team.


My 'make-shift' solution is adjusting my custom render settings slightly. For instance: adjusting "Curved Geometry" from medium to low. Its not perfect, but it keeps me from rebooting.

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Hi all,


I've heard about this issue from a couple of sources and I agree with y'all that it should be fixed ASAP. However, I have never been able to replicate this bug so it's impossible for me to debug.


So, if you have files that repeatedly show this behaviour, or definite steps that you think trigger this, please send them my way.

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