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Selection tool question

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minor help needed:

I turned on all layers and all classes. Then I used the "Custom Selection" menu item to "Select Only" items that have class "ABC". It reports that there are two items that match that description. Then I click "OK" and the dialog box goes away. However, a check of the OIP indicates no items are selected. I can not find anything on the screen that is selected with the visible selection handles.

Why doesn't this work ? What am I missing ? Could the items be a component of a symbol or group that has a different class ?

I'm using VW 2015 Designer on iMac OS 10.10.5

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Most likely the objects in that class are inside a symbol, group, are a component of a plugin object or is inside another type of container like a Solid Addition.

Alternatively, Custom Selection will sometimes fail if the objects can't be selected under the restrictions of Layer Options, or if you have Unified View enabled and not showing layers of differing scales.

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