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brick texture

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"If you select edit of your material in resource browser you will get the Material dialog.

The Diffuse is the first one and called Color in VW.

In the drop down at the bottom you will find the procedural (computer generated) shaders.

One is for "Bricks".

Once applied you can edit its settings.

For the Bricks itself or the Gaps there are 2 colors each, which will get mixed together.

There is also a setting to get some more variation into bricks colors.

You can play with these until they look like you want.

You can duplicate your Material at the end to create some Material Variants with different

settings. You can also apply your Brick Shader from Color to the Bumb Shader to get some

faked 3D depth. This should contain only gray values as different colors may have the

same gray value."

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I can't easily figure out which version used to do this ... but I'm pretty sure it was eliminated about 5 years ago, when the renderworks rendering engine had a major overhaul and introduced all these terms I don't understand ( like "Buya" "Pezo" and "Zada").

I attached a poor image, but look at the foundation brick and you'll see brick that have a different color shade, and they are not in a repeating pattern. It was made in 2005.

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Sorry, looks like the VW Bricks Shader has no real variation like I was used to have in other Apps.

Oh, Brick Shader is a relatively new invention in VW (2014)

But if you watch the last part of the video,

it doesn't look that bad. Maybe it's worth to try to load in some texture images

with other scale (?) to create some variation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

zoomer: thanks for the link. However, could anyone explain how the textures in the final few frames of zoomer's Utube link are made? I see bricks that are not repetitive (not based on an image) and have random colors ... but I sure can't figure out how to make that occur using the RW brick shaders. Everything I can figure out makes a repetitive pattern.

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