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Marionette "Script Error"

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This file is running properly on my mac (Wrap).

I Suppose there could be a Problem with the File Name, File Path, Vectorworks Installation Path or the User Settings (User/Library/Application Support/Vectorworks /2016 /PlugIns) try out deleting the marionette folder here.

Hope that works ...

Mac OSX 10.10.5 i7

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

IF you shut down Vectorworks, you can then go to the user library folder:

User/Library/Application Support/Vectorworks /2016

And in the Plugins folder, there are subfolders for many tools, one of which is Marionette. I normally don't walk users to these itemized folders since so much else can also be important to clean out (we normally do the whole 2016 folder when cleaning preferences) but deleting or temporarily relocating the Marionette folder from within plugins then launching Vectorworks again effectively resets just that plugin for your installation of Vectorworks.

Its a more surgical preference reset, less disruptive but also less likely to work. If you just want to test it out, just keep your copy of the Marionette folder on your desktop and simply replace it in the user folder location after testing.

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