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Convert Poly to Group


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It needs to be wired like this. The String node is only a variable. You need to create the text object and then pass it to the Poly to Group node. This generates a grouped text object and a group of polygons stacked on top of each other.

There is some sort of bug here though. The converted group of polygons doesn't appear initially though you can see it exists in the OIP. If you change the view it will appear after the fact.



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  • 2 weeks later...
..convert a text string into polygon shapes matching the text? ..was expecting a poly text shape that I could extrude.

How do I convert italicized text into polygons? I can'y seem to get this done from the traditional menus. It does convert, but to the non-italicized version of the text

How do I solve this without having to trace the text manually?

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it doesn't seem to work, I have noted to change only the first 3 letters and by placing a 2 in the bottom it should run italics, It does if you remove the delete but it is only the text and not polys.

When you run this first no text shows up until you hit 5 (top plan) or a 3d key.

Something to play with.

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  • Marionette Maven

Hi CarlJdP and Alan!

Marionette uses mostly the same functions that the software uses when you use menu commands/tools/etc. Since the italics are lost using only the menu command, I don't believe we will have a solution for Marionette until that is looked into.

I'm not sure if there's another solution for this, but at least with Marionette, I can't think of a way.


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