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Migration Manager

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Our common library of custom parts resided on our server for years. The 'Library' folder inside the Vectorworks Application folder would be an alias to this common location. A number of years ago we moved it to Dropbox and after working out a few bugs it has worked well. The folders inside of the 'Library' folder in Vectorworks Applications alias to our DropBox folders. Constant access to our library for everybody even if off site and off line. Once back on-line, Dropbox syncs and they are up to the minute on updates and changes to our Resource Library. We have never purposefully put Resource Library files in our USER folders or created common WorkGroups for this data. There hasn't been a need.

One of the complaints I've had when updating VW versions is the tedious task of updating hundreds of library files from the old version to the new version during an update.

My hope was that the Migration Manager could be used to automate this process. My VBVisuals Plants files are 60+ files alone. My entire library is massive. When I point the Migration Manager at my folders that contain this data it tells me the folder doesn't contain any specified files that can be migrated.

How exactly do I go about using this new tool to accomplish my desired task?


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Strange. The description in the VW Help files specifically mentions 'Library Files'.

You can choose to automatically migrate your user data, consisting of workspaces, template files, library files, Resource Browser favorite files, and preferences, to the new version, while still taking advantage of all of the features and benefits offered by the new version.

What are 'library files' if not all the many VW Resource Files in my library?

Thanks for the link.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

It will reestablish the library file linking, previously you had to do the batch convert, then manually re-add your libraries, it removes the manual step.

It has been discussed for a future version to have Migration Manager also do a massive batch convert on any libraries stored in the user folder, but currently there were just too many library locations used by various user types to account for and properly convert without creating a huge filesize overhead and many many duplicates, but likely it'll be improved and added eventually.

EDIT: I don't disagree that the language used is misleading though, my mistake. This wording was one of my projects, I did not mean to deceive.

Edited by JimW
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