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Geometry question

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In 1st example, Red is tangent to Green and Blue. Red is drawn with Circle tool in Diameter (2 point) mode.


The Arc tool in Tangent to Line mode can create a semi circle tangent to both concentric circles.

Not sure how to make "any" curve, eg a spline or bez, tangent to concentric circles. Vectorworks tangent controls have always seemed reluctant to me.

There was a thread long ago about tangent to two non concentric circles. Fillet tool was the best answer, but picking the best radius can be a chore. Unfortunately, Fillet tool fails and has a special error message when trying to fillet btw concentric circles.




Edited by Benson Shaw
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

It can often help to disable all snapping options other than Snap to Object and depending which tools you're drawing with (circles or arcs) then enabling Snap to Tangent as well.

The Grid and Smart Point snaps in particular are more aggressive in their response and can override other snapping types.

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