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Drilling with boolean


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The STP seems to import fine.

Are you just trying to learn to draw parts like this in VW? Or do you have a need for just this specific part?

If I was going to draw this I would make a two cylinders and subtract the smaller to get the overall shape of the tube.

Depending on what geometry you know I would then make a cutting piece, probably for one side of the cutter head and subtract that from each side.

Create another cylinder or oblong and subtract that to get the bayonet "hooks"

I am not sure what I would do for the rest of the cutout. It depends on what you know about the part.

Sometimes it is easiest to make things similar to how they will really be machined. Other times it is easier to make a positive and subtract it as one piece.

Let us know if you need more help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Pat

Sorry for delay answer. My colleague and i solved problems by other tools.

Thank you for your tips

Another software tool made tooling path at unfolded, set position in cylinder coordinate system and drill away <- Boolean by driving path of drill

Sometimes it is easiest to make things similar to how they will really be machined. Other times it is easier to make a positive and subtract it as one piece.

Yes, this part will be drill for oil-gas industry by cnc machine or something that.

(I'm sorry for my English)

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