James Russell Posted March 12, 2015 Share Posted March 12, 2015 Sorry I've been missing the forums lately, it's back as one of my home tabs so I should be here a little more. I've been working on the designs recently for the Melbourne Comedy Festival which has a centrepiece of a large revolve with several set elements. As part of a cute package I threw together I ended up using the Orbital Animation feature to do a really nice rendering of the items on the revolve. I then got to thinking how hard it would be to implement this functionality into the actual planset, re:automation. Attached is me around 2 hours in (It's 2015, viewer will still open it or I'll downsave if needed peeps). (Note not to scale, no detail, it's just the concept). It's around 900 frames long, and I haven't put compensation in for multiple runnings of the script within the boundaries yet. That aside I've learnt several things! 1) Seems that 3D isometric views of a design layer aren't visually affected by RedrawAll until you change perspective, render type or between Top/Plan and Plan. 2) All rendering styles except Wireframe and Sketch don't update in any 3D view from the design layer. 3) Viewports do update in Isometric modes. Why I have no idea. 4) Even with a wait command and an UpdateVP the viewport with any other mode other than Wireframe or Sketch won't update even one frame. So my question is this Brains Trust. Can you run and/or edit and run my script and get an OpenGL animated rendering in a viewport and/or the raw design layer? I have a feeling it's a few lines away from doing it just can't quite get there. Hope you're all well. J PS. On a side note if anyone knows how to set the perspective and co-ordinates of the Viewport Portal feel free to attach a linked article. Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 14, 2015 Author Share Posted March 14, 2015 I've been working on my own challenge. Progress: Now with your keyboard you can trigger the Fly lines to move up, down or remain stationary. (1, 2 & 3 key) Notated code, sorry! Found more flexibility - about to work on up/down limits and perhaps changing key style to latching. Need Help With: Why won't OpenGL refresh. You'll notice that I'm running this whole thing through a viewport. In a standard design layer it won't RedrawAll. I've tried for resetting the viewport to no avail. Any input welcome! Opinions on concept. Post getting actual rendered modes to work I'm thinking temp dialog for control, got a design in the works. Anyone who has an example of exporting a .jpg from script would be much appreciated! I'll keep at it, don't be scared to break it. J Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 James You're not going to believe this. But this makes it work in the design layer with Open GL I don't know why. mk Procedure TEST; VAR SimpleCounter : INTEGER; {Tick Counter} HeightBumper : INTEGER; {mm Bump to Fly1} FlyState : INTEGER; {0: Stationary, 1: Up, 2: Down} cCode : INTEGER; {Secondary Keydown testing} bCode : INTEGER; {Primary Keydown testing} Fly1 : HANDLE; {Handle to Fly} Revolve : HANDLE; {Handle to Revolve} viewport : HANDLE; {Handle to Viewport} exitState : REAL; {Redundant from previous test} xM, yM : REAL; {Mouse stop co-ords} BEGIN {Main} DselectAll; {Hope these aren't causing issues} UnDoOff; Revolve := GetObject('Rev3'); {Get named object x} Fly1 := GetObject('C1'); viewport := GetObject('Viewport-1'); SimpleCounter := 1; {Reset tick counter} HeightBumper :=5; {Fly speed both up and down} bCode :=27; {Aka Bail code - Esc Key - testing} exitState := 1; {Still here from dialog input} IF exitState = 1 THEN BEGIN REPEAT {Overall loop state} REPEAT {Key input loop state} Message(Concat(SimpleCounter,' ',cCode,' ',FlyState)); {Debug output} HRotate(Revolve, 0, 0, 3); {Revolve just does its thing} HMoveBackward(Revolve,FALSE); HMoveForward(Revolve,FALSE); CASE FlyState OF {Bumping either up or down pending key input} 1: Move3DObj(Fly1, 0, 0, HeightBumper); 2: Move3DObj(Fly1, 0, 0, -(HeightBumper)); End; HMoveBackward(Fly1,FALSE); HMoveForward(Fly1,FALSE); SimpleCounter := SimpleCounter+1; {Increment Counter} ResetObject(Revolve); {Resets} ResetObject(Fly1); RedrawAll; {Redraw - thought this would do openGL updates - lame} UNTIL KeyDown(cCode); If(cCode=49) Then FlyState := 0; {Input Keycodes - STD 1, 2 & 3 on primary} If(cCode=50) Then FlyState := 1; If(cCode=51) Then FlyState := 2; UNTIL KeyDown(bCode) | MouseDown( xM, yM ); END; {of exitState = 1} END; {of Main} Run (TEST); Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 Just tried it in Open GL with shadows turned on and a directional light source. Slows down the animation, but it still works! mk Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 14, 2015 Author Share Posted March 14, 2015 Firstly Michael Klaers you make my weekend so much better! How strange though! Are you saying all these objects needed was a nudge to actually update? Apart from this mega update now thanks to MK's input it's looking kinda fun/cool. Progress: I've made a few changes with the flys, they now stop at a lower dead, which is kind of nice. I'm going to keep playing with this over the next two days. If you have feedback / concepts that you think might be fun to try list them and I'll either have a look at implementing them and/or try out your code! J Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 14, 2015 Share Posted March 14, 2015 Sometimes we can all use a nudge. Nice work! mk Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 15, 2015 Author Share Posted March 15, 2015 Continuing progress on my personal challenge series. I've played with several elements over the last few hours, and with a 14 hours plan ride ahead I'm looking forwards to getting into the depths of a few new ideas. Progress: New Set - Much more to look at and actualish scaled. Played with actual backdrops now that OpenGL is behaving. Can set record fields for PIO fields Lighting seems to work also, shadowing issues when enabled. Challenges: Soft goods not updating with RedrawAll. If you run this and let the curtain open counter go up (9 key) the curtain won't open. If you terminate the script with esc it will adapt to the width as required. I don't know why, it does have a force update button in the Object Info palette, not sure if this is triggered differently to an Redraw or UpdateObject. Lighting (see a post just before this entitled _Light On). Wanted to try fading lights at rates. Figured I could just SetRField data to the _Brightness or _Light On fields, seems not. If anyone has any links to scripts that involve moving the perspective of the viewer (much like the walkthrough tool) I'd love to hear about them. Even if you have a command in mind that might be relevant. It's somewhere down the line but I want to get into it soon. I'll keep you posted. J Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 15, 2015 Share Posted March 15, 2015 (edited) James You've inspired me to try my hand at animation. Why doesn't this work? mk Edited March 15, 2015 by michaelk Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 15, 2015 Share Posted March 15, 2015 If you don't loop it, it works. Once. Tried FOR loops, REPEAT loops and WHILE Loops. Even tried a GOTO, but I couldn't make a GOTO compile. Any ideas? mk Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 15, 2015 Author Share Posted March 15, 2015 Michael, Totally in the same boat now. Welcome to the party! If I hard break your script at anytime the door opens to the current listed amount. I also tried making your whole script a separate procedure with long wait times in between, but it only renders the very last frame same as if it limits out at 180 degrees. I'm just wondering if when the script is finalised if there's a bigger refresh that we're not aware of that forces all plugin objects to refresh all values. Super weird though, I'm seeing the same thing with all plugin objects: Lighting Device Colour Changes, Doors, Windows, Soft Goods, Human Figure, Plant Tool. I'll have a think on the plane. J Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 15, 2015 Share Posted March 15, 2015 I just tried creating a new workspace with a menu command that runs the script to open the door by 1. Then I used another script to DoMenuTextByName. My thinking was that the script imbedded in the menu command would finish running and allow the door to redraw. No luck. It doesn't redraw until the primary script stops running. Any other ideas? mk Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 16, 2015 Share Posted March 16, 2015 Did you know that you can run a vectorscript inside of an apple script? I don't think I recommend it. But by running a vectorscript that opens the door +1 and running it 180 times with an apple script you can (very poorly) animate a door opening. This works with the file posted above: tell application "Vectorworks 2015" repeat with x from 1 to 180 run VectorScript "Procedure TEST; {--- Define Variables ---} VAR TheDoorInQuestion : HANDLE; HowOpenIsTheDoor : INTEGER; OpenIsTheDoorTEXT: DYNARRAY[] of CHAR; BEGIN TheDoorInQuestion := GetObject('Door1'); {Get named object Door1} OpenIsTheDoorTEXT := GetRField(TheDoorInQuestion, 'Door', 'OpenAngle'); {Get the Open Angle} HowOpenIsTheDoor := Str2Num(OpenIsTheDoorTEXT); {Convert the angle to integer} HowOpenIsTheDoor := HowOpenIsTheDoor - 1; {Index up one} OpenIsTheDoorTEXT := Num2Str(0,HowOpenIsTheDoor); {Convert Integer to String} Message(OpenIsTheDoorTEXT,' ',HowOpenIsTheDoor); {Message makes it look like it's working...} SetRField(TheDoorInQuestion, 'Door', 'OpenAngle',OpenIsTheDoorTEXT); {The value instantly goes to 0. Sad.} ResetObject(TheDoorInQuestion); RedrawAll; {None of this seems to matter} HMoveBackward(TheDoorInQuestion,FALSE); HMoveForward(TheDoorInQuestion,FALSE); END; RUN(TEST);" end repeat end tell Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 16, 2015 Author Share Posted March 16, 2015 Cute. Not practical but cute for sure. Haha. I feel like Pat Stanford's gonna come in here and bust open some like like SetPref(12348,False) and it'll change the game. Triggering the script itself multiple times seems illogical, there just has to be a refresh that we just don't know about. A forced refresh designed for plugin objects. I tried running the Refresh Instruments command via a DoMenuTextByName to no avail, thought we could get tricky and use something that also forces a refresh in data. Arghh. J Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 16, 2015 Author Share Posted March 16, 2015 Also read this and let me know your thoughts: https://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=68071 Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 16, 2015 Share Posted March 16, 2015 You're searching back to 2006?? Two more cities on this trip and I'll be in LA. I'll just knock on Pat's door and ask him. mk Quote Link to comment
Pat Stanford Posted March 16, 2015 Share Posted March 16, 2015 Sorry Gentlemen, I don't have any magic wand for this one. PIOs are not created or reset during the running of a script. I have fought this several times and never won. When I was fighting it, I wanted to insert a PIO and convert it to a group. I could never get a handle to the object to work with because the object was not created until the script finished running and handed back all of the objects to VW to draw. I don't know how AnimationWorks does its magic. I think it might have to do with the fact that each frame is basically being written to disk individually. Maybe Julian will give us at least a hint. Regards, Pat Quote Link to comment
michaelk Posted March 16, 2015 Share Posted March 16, 2015 Thanks, Pat. I won't show up at your house. I'm assuming there is no real way to get one script to fire another script? mk Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 17, 2015 Author Share Posted March 17, 2015 @Michaelk (1) - Same-ish struggles, seemed relevant. Haha. Let me know if you stopover in Dubai, I'm here for ~ two weeks. @Pat Stanford - How dull! Do you think it's some sort of 'can't have two scripts running at the same time' thing and that a PIO needs something that the script is using? @Michaelk (2) - Maybe another cheeky DoByMenuTextNameThing? I don't know if that works for custom entries though. And if my above reply to Pat does become true, where an element of the scripting run process is the same for a PIO then it might be to no avail. Surely people have gotten around this; I'm looking at you Matt Panzer, Joshua Benghiat, Robert Anderson, Petri Sakkinen, and all the other smart cookies who play with the boundaries of PIOs. J Quote Link to comment
Vectorworks, Inc Employee Matt Panzer Posted March 17, 2015 Vectorworks, Inc Employee Share Posted March 17, 2015 Hey guys, As much as I'd like to have the answer, I'm afraid Pat's right. PIOs do not regenerate until the currently running script has completed. There might be some possibilities, but they'd be pretty involved using custom PIOs that repeatedly reset one another. I do wonder if Python could better make this happen. I would definitely look into it first. Unfortunately, I'm not the sharpest cookie in the pantry when it comes to Python. Quote Link to comment
JBenghiat Posted March 17, 2015 Share Posted March 17, 2015 Scripts always run sequentially, no matter what. Python may, in theory, get around this, so you can give it a try, but the PIO script may need to be in Python as well. VS basically saves all the ResetObject calls in a script for the end, and runs them in order. SDK modules can run in the background, so that would probably be the ultimate solution. I suppose in theory you could have a script re-run itself with DoMenuTextByName, controlling the iterations by writing to the repository (see the Utilities section). Could be a can of worms. If you are looking for an automated but not necessarily elegant solution, you could write an additional script that stores the curtain configurations into classes that your animation script can then toggle. -Josh Quote Link to comment
James Russell Posted March 17, 2015 Author Share Posted March 17, 2015 Thanks for the provocative responses guys. I'll find some time and have a crack at Python goodness over the next few days. Still seeking an example/direction/ideas for triggering the Export > Image File command. If there's a Vectorscript command for it I don't think I've found it yet in the function listing, otherwise I'll be investigating a DoByMenu and attempting to figure the required settings post dialog box. I'll keep you posted brains trust. J PS. I enjoy looking in the pantry and finding Cans of Worms and Dull Cookies, they're my favourite brain snacks. Quote Link to comment
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