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Glass Texture in Curtain Walling


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Hi All,

I can't seem to get the curtain walling panels in my model to display as glass. I have applied the 'glazing-clear' class to the panels and all setting are set to 'as class' (fill, pen, texture etc.) but they appear to render empty.

The windows I have placed in the curtain wall have the same class applied to their glass and they render fine.

Can anyone help?

I have attached an image of the problem for information.


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Paste the curtain wall into a new, blank drawing and test it there. And post it here for others to look at if no success.

Visibility problems almost always relate to class settings.

Did you access the Curtain Wall Edit tool to check the class and texture settings for the curtain wall panels? Maybe there is some item there to tweak.



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POA - Did you get this sorted?

2 things:

A. The lower glass panels have white color fill, rather than By Class. The Class fill is Black. But any dark color will show in a rendered view if textures are on. I think the white fill is rendering, but it's just too light with all that transparency that we don't see it. You may have to go into every panel and change the glass panel fill. The magic wand will probably pick up the upper panels, too. But no prob. Change the entire selection attributes to anything, then back to all by class

B. I didn't track this down, but in design layer views other than Top/Plan, screen plane objects, eg text or rectangles, draw invisible, even with color fill. May be corruption or some setting. I started a new file and pasted in your objects.

Attached find the extracted glass with some more 'splainin'.



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sometimes i've had an issue with the fills (which is btw required for the ifc exports) when the class solid fills were not set up from the beginning with the 'use at creation' checked in the class settings. adding it afterwards (and applying the changes for all elements with this class) doesn't work in some cases.


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That's interesting.

I think this one is just the texture settings. High setting in the transparency shader combined with color shader set to object color. When the glass panel color fill is set to white, the glass is rendering, but it's just too transparent to see it, esp against a white background - it looks like no texture, no render.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for the late response guys, I had a somewhat extended Christmas break.


Thank you this was exactly the problem. I thought the glass texture would override the solid fill so I always just overlooked it. I ended up just adjusting the class to have a black fill. Only then could I see the option in the CW panel editor. Very much appreciated anyways!


Thanks for the heads up I will keep an eye out for this problem.

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