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Curved wall won't extrude solid


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I have A LOT of curved wall to draft for a set we are building. Additionally I am using a 3D printer to create a worming model in 1/2" scale.

My current issue is when I draw a wall with one curved side in 2D and extrude it - no matter what I do the wall is hollow - no top and bottom surface.

Not sure what I am missing. I created platforms that have a curved side that extruded properly but not the wall -

and at this point I have tried so many different combinations of commands I'm not entirely sure what worked in the first place -

Any ideas?

Thanks for your help


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

This usually occurs when extruding an object that has no fill. Select each of the objects you plan to extrude and look in the Attributes palette, odds are it will have a fill of "None".

Or, the objects you are extruding are not a closed figure.

If that doesn't do it, you can post the objects here in a file and I can have a closer look.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

It was a combination of things.

The extrudes and solid subtractions themselves had no fill. Select everything and in the Attributes palette, set the Fill to Solid. Most of them are set to None.

This probably is happening because your default fill is set to None as well. To fix this, click in a blank area of the file, selecting nothing. In the attributes palette, does it have a fill of None? Change it to Solid if so.

Second, the extrudes that were not based on a circle were made from multiple polylines, which is fine, but they need to be combined into one polygon before extruding. This can be done by editing the extrude, selecting the contents (4 arcs or polylines in most cases in your file) and use Modify > Compose to combine them into a solid poly. Double check the fill of these is Solid as well. Attached is a version of your file I've modified so you can compare.

(3D printing is nifty, finally resumed working with my own home-built printer and I'm constantly adding new feature requests to make working with them and STL export more painless in Vectorworks.)

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Thank you so much for your time -

I just sat down and I'm excited to dog in to my work.

3D printing has changed my world - or at least it will when I get good at it - as a scene designer/technical director for theatre being able to print a model while creating working shop drawings is a huge timesaver.

I'll let you know how I do.


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