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Trouble with Instrument Summary Text

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Hi All,

After generating a instrument summary using the tool, It works fine and I can see all the symbols, category titles but not the symbol names. I've checked my inventory and everything seems fine. It looks like the text is there but they're hidden. I've attached a screen grab. Hopefully can someone help me with this strange issue.

Edited by tomwebber
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If there us no data in your Lighting Symbol Maintenance window under Spotlight-Reports- Lighting Symbol Maintenance you will not get symbol names to show up in the instrument or position summaries.

If you have data then note that the symbol name is taken from the Model Field which can be edited or if you have names in the type field can automatically be put into the Model Field using the copy types into the Model name button.

Steve Ross

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Select the instrument summary and check or change the font and size. The font may be very small.

If you a re still having issues you should contact technical support directly so they can examine the file.

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I'm going to second Kevin's suggestion of sending the file to tech support. Font size is the only issue I could predict from the screen shot.

The only other troubleshooting step you could take is to duplicate the Summary and Convert to group (not to be confused with just Group). You can then enter the group and examine if the object includes text blocks.


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  • 4 weeks later...

NM.. issue is back again.. Trying to label legends and the chosen fields won't show up in layout view. I can't seem to place text anywhere in vectorworks either. It says that the 'text size is too small for creating or editing'. However, I have trying increasing the font size (dramatically even), zooming in, and changing font type to no avail.


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