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Exporting a site DWG with referenced-in unit plans visible?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I have a site plan as a main file with three different unit plans referenced in and placed on site (in 14 different locations).

From the site's Design Layer, or even from the Sheet Layer, how do I go about exporting a DWG so that those unit plans are visible? So far every method I've tried shows all the items in the main (site) file but the units themselves are missing, leaving only blank space where they were located. The unit plans are exported as separate DWGs but do appear to be "bound" or inserted into the site DWG.



Edited by Beil
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I am not sure I understood your question! But if I am right, I think you are better off create a viewport for the main file on a sheet layer then superimpose those different unit plans on a smaller viewports on top of it. I don't think you can have over one scale on a design layer if that's what you are asking.

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