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Windows in Wall jumping away when referenced

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I've got a strange problem that I am trying to troubleshoot and fix, so I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help...

I have a 3 residential building types built in 3 different files.

I have a 4th file that is the site, where the 3 units are referenced in (multiple times each, to total 14 buildings) and elevated to sit on a site model.

Units 1 and 2 appear normal in Top/Plan view in each of their iterations.

Unit 3 however has two of its windows "jump" out of the wall and end up about 3000m to the right, which is not at all the way they are in the original file.

When I edit the original unit file and pull the windows out of the wall (in Top/Plan view) and simply lay them on top of the wall in the correct location they look correct back in the site file (when I update the reference.) When I re-insert them back into their walls in the unit file, then update the reference, they again "jump" out of the wall and far to the right in the site file.

Any ideas as to what is going on and perhaps more importably, how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Neil, (just to be certain) Have you double checked that the offending windows are actually inserted into wall(s)?? Beyond that, I would trouble shoot this by trying to determine why those particular windows (and by extension, the wall(s) in which they reside, and further the file itself) are different from all the others. If possible, maybe try copy and paste in place all of the Unit 3 data into a new, clean file?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Yes, I am sure that the offending windows are listed in the OIP as "Window in wall" when they are making the jump. And when they are simply listed as "Window" they don't jump.

Will do about troubleshooting that wall and the windows. At initially glance, they (the wall and the two windows) do not seem to be any different really than the others around them. I will investigate further though.

I am suspecting that the wall, rather than the windows, may be the offender. I am thinking this because as a test, I took one of the other windows in the unit (that has behaved well so far) and I put it into the same wall as the 2 "jumpers". I saved, opened the site file and all of a sudden, the two original jumpers were where they should be and the newly added window had jumped.

Mysterious indeed.

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