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VW 10 uses all my CPU; is it OK?


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I and the rest of the tech support team and engineering staff understand they are getting hot.

Unfortunately, this is not an overnight fix. They are currently working on this problem.

I should also note, there are only a handful of certain powerbooks/notebooks experiencing this problem.

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Perhaps it is a related issue, this cpu usage. I use a G4 powerbook a lot for field work. Battery life for most applications is over 4 hours. With VW it drops to about 2 1/2 hours. So if VW could manage it's computer resources more efficiently, I would hope that longer battery life when using it could be had. Perhaps there could be a powersaving preference that would eliminate less than essential background checks and processes so that laptop battery life could be longer.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi Donald,

We consider this more of a bug than something one would want to control with a preference. As Katie has indicated, we're looking at ways to fix this. We hope to have something before the next major release.

Best regards,

Mark Farnan

Core Technologies and Imaging Manager

Nemetschek NA

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