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site model section


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i've got a plot with 3 pads on different levels (all within 30 cm), surrounded by one boundary on a sloped terrain.

when i try to do a site section i see no pads' levels, only some strange terrain behaviour. i've expected to see the 3 planes, all cut by the pads, and two slopes to the boundary.

have i done anything false? or is it a proper view mode?

i enclose relevant shots.



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rob, it appears that the pads are having an effect on the terrain. but, without more information i can't judge if the effect is the desired one.

can you post the vwx?

two questions come to mind: are the pads themselves sloping? are the pads touching? vw is confused by overlapping elevation information.



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thanks for the reply.

- as for the vwx: unfortunately not, it's a part of the bigger project file.

i've made a copy, deleted all other information (dl, sl, saved views, additional classes), purged all unused elements, but the file is still over 150 mb (the original file is 198 mb). btw, how can i further safely reduce the file size?

- the pads are not sloping, and they are in a distance of a few millimetres from one another (otherwise the site model wouldn't generate a proper output). the boundary encloses all three pads.


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actually i haven't thought of this, but no, it's only one model. i enclose the settings.

as i've made some more distance between the pads (now at least 2 millimetres from one another, up to 1 cm), the (newly drawn) section view has changed its appearance.

it looks better now, even at the infinite depth, but there is still a ribbon matching the existing terrain slope edge over the cut-out volume and the left pad.

is there any optimal pads' distance?


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the section tool behaves strange in general. it's the same project.

here the earth ribbon goes across the sections a and c, only the e (cut outside of the building conceptualisation model sketch) looks rather ok. section c actually looks terrible.

the drawing won't display the cut-out in a proper way. i wonder if the cut'n fill calculation can be reliable?

have i done anything wrong? it's only 3 pads (marking the bottom of the slab layers) and a boundary.


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