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Importing DWG files from Microstation

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I have tried this a couple of times with not so good results. If you can get your hands on a copy of AutoCAD you will save yourself grief if you open it and resave it there.

I am not a programmer, but it makes sence to me that both Microstation and VectorWorks' translators were written for and tested with AutoCAD. You should try and keep AutoCAD in the loop when using their file format.

p.s. If you are really using 9.0.1 you should upgrade to 9.5.2 right away.

[ 10-22-2002, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: AndyM ]

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I have both microstation and vectorworks in my office and have a lot of problems importing dwgs into vectorworks from microstation. We generally loose line weights, styles and colours when importing. The other problem is that if you have any hatching in the microstation file, when imported into VW it gets broken into individual lines. This is a big problem in our office as we used to use the concrete hatch a lot in MS and when this comes into VW its completely messed up. Anyway if you have the option of bringing it into Autocad then you should do it. Microstation is the problem here as on Macs it only exports to version 14, and it dose it badly....!

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