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Python. From the very beginning


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Is there something I need to install before running a Python script?

I'm unable to get any Python script to run, even "Hello, World"

I've tried translating some existing one line scripts with no success.

For example, this is a simple one-liner I often use from VS:


What would that look like in Python?



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Can someone check this?

1. In a VW script editor window, select Python as the language and type in


2. Run the script. Works Great.

3. Edit the script. Add a space in the wrong place:

vs.Alrt Dialog('Hello')

4. Run the script. Get the error message, click "View Error Output..."

The Script Errors dialog box says:

File "", line 1

vs.Alrt Dialog('Hello')


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

5. Click on Edit Script...

Remove the space. Click OK.

6. Run the script again.

I get the same error. If I edit the script by right clicking in the RB and choosing Edit... the edit "sticks". If I choose edit Edit Script... from the Script Errors dialog the edit doesn't "stick".


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Now that I (maybe) understand why I was unable to edit a script to make it run...

vs.SetPref(44, False) works as a python script.

At first I was trying to use Message instead of AlrtDialog


returns the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File"", line 1, in

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Message'

Any ideas?



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Hello Michael

Python works for me(win xp sp3 and 8), i download PythonSample_Menu2.

I test it(got errors), when i looked at code:

1. i put ui* dir to site-packages dir, because natively there is not such name of class in VW pyAPI

2. modify main(.py) fuction - this, adding execute() to end

* - dir from sample - PythonSample_Menu2\ui\

Edited by Ilay
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi Ilay, you should not copy anything to 'site-packages' from the sample. Unzip the sample in your user's plug-ins folder and that should be all.

when a vsm, vsm, or vst runs, VW adds that folder to the python search path. So, when the scripts does 'import import ui.dlgHandler' the first thing python would do is to look for a folder 'ui' next to the vsm.

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Hello Vladislav

Thanks a'lot

Anyway can we use additional math/graphical libs as Numpy an etc.?

honestly i don't like such scheme*:

when a vsm, vsm, or vst runs, VW adds that folder to the python search path. So, when the scripts does 'import import ui.dlgHandler' the first thing python would do is to look for a folder 'ui' next to the vsm.

Currently pyAPI has dependence from vwvs

* - hmm, that why i made several test project, and they did not work properly.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Anyway can we use additional math/graphical libs as Numpy an etc.?

Yes, you should be able to. Those you should install in the side packages.

Edited by Vladislav Stanev
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