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How do I draw a circle with a center and circumference?

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If you knew the diameter or radius the easy way is to double click on the circle tool in the tool palette. It will bring up the circle creation dialog where you can enter x,y and r/d. When you click ok the circle will be placed.

But I suspect what you're actually asking for is an all inclusive solution. It could be done with a Vectorscript which asked for x,y and circumference and then called the circle tool. It could be built as a loop with an exit if you needed to do many in a row.


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Actually, it's even simpler than that: Just click to start your circle (in radius mode) then enter your circumference remembering to enter your unit mark (" or ') and then enter the forward slash to divide, and finally 6.28 (2 pi) so if you had a tree with a 36" circumference DBH it'd look like this


Then just hit enter to lock in the length

No need to hit TAB at any time if you're just working with Length (it's the first entry and by default anything you type after clicking once to start your circle will automatically be entered in the "L".


You could use the existing tree tool in Landmark, then enter the DBH in the Object Info Pallette (using M5d's formula to yield diameter instead of radius) or just place all the trees first, then go back in and select each tree and enter the data.


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  • 2 months later...

Sure they work, but it would be a lot easier to just plug in the circumference. When I plot the existing trees on a project I measure the location and the circumference of each tree. I don't measure diameter because it isn't very accurate. It would be very convenient to just place the center of the circle and enter a value for C.

So tabbing into the fields should provide three linked values

R(adius) - which is currently L




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That's pretty much the suggestion above (editable circumference / input field), but it didn't raise a response. If Jim doesn't pick this up here, you should throw your request into the wish list forum. It would be a minor but useful addition. It can't hurt to have it listed.

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