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Text Tracking

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and just to make it more interesting pressing the space bar a number of times is not always the same for the next line. i always have a hard time alligning text this way regardless of wether the next line is within the same text box or a separate piece of text it will not allign simply by counting the number of space bar hits.

all i can say is good luck.

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Actually, there is relatively simple workaround.

First insert a space between the selected letters then go back and individually select each new space and change its point size to some smaller (or larger) value. This will require some experimentation.

Though not practical for large amounts of text, it works OK for titles and the like. rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Here's a method for adjusting text tracking, not too glamorous though.

Create your text block in VW 8.5.2 file, copy it, and paste it into your VW 9.5.2 file. Each character will now be a separate text block, to be distributed as you wish.

O.K,. not too practical, but it could be used in a pinch.

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