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How do I get the handle of a window in a wall?

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I'm new to vectorsript and am trying to create a script that will change the attributes of selected windows in walls. I've tried using FSActLayer but it only seems to work on windows NOT inserted into walls.

I have cobbled together the following script based on a previous message board post but, without the ability to grab the handles of selected windows, it changes ALL of the windows in the file.




SetRField(h, 'Window', 'IncludeSill', 'TRUE');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'TrimUnderSill', 'TRUE');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'TrimUnderStool', 'TRUE');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'SillLip', '1');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'SillKeep', '6.25');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'SillHeight', '1.5');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'SillDepth', '7.25');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'SillExt', '3.5');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'StoolLip', '1');

SetRField(h, 'Window', 'StoolNose', '1.75');




ForEachObject(ChangeSill, (INSYMBOL & INVIEWPORT & (PON='Window')));



Can someone out there please help me make this work on selected windows?


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???When in doubt, tunnel in. Not being well versed on the WALL object, I wrote this script to quickly dig around inside. There are probably better ways to get what you want, but this style of script always yields interesting results.

???There are two statements that do the heavy lifting. One is FIn3D() which almost always cracks the door on container objects, and the WALL is definitely a container. The second one is GetName(GetRecord(H, NumRecords(H))) which returns the name of the PIO being pointed to by handle H. PIOs always have a record attached and the last record (which could be the only record) has the same name as the PIO.

???To speed things up, get rid of the WAIT(1) statement and the "ELSE ..." on the previous line. There is no need to do anything to objects that don't meet your search criteria.

???So, the bottom line, is get a handle to a Wall, look inside for selected PIOs, operate.



PS - Hold that thought. I'll be right back...

PROCEDURE WalkThroughWalls;
{ 8 July 2012 - RJMullin }
{ Poke around inside a WALL (type = 68) and see what pops up. }
{ Watch the Message Window for the anatomy of the wall. }
H :Handle;
I, ObjType :Integer;
H := FSActlayer;
ObjType := GetTypeN(H);
if (ObjType = 68) then begin		{ It's a WALL }
	I := 0;				{ counter for objs in the WALL }
	H := FIn3D(H);			{ first object in the WALL }
	while (H <> nil) do begin
		I := I + 1;
		ObjType := GetTypeN(H);
		if (ObjType = 86) & Selected(H) then begin	{ it's a PIO & it's selected }
			message(I, '  ', GetName(GetRecord(H, NumRecords(H))))

			{*** Do your stuff here ***}

		else message(I, '   Object Type = ', ObjType);
		H := nextobj(H);			{ get next object in WALL }
	end;		{ while }
else message('Object Type = ', ObjType);

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Here's a more modular approach. The function "FSPIOinWall" can be used any time you need a handle to Selected PIOs in a wall. The code that follows just shows an example of a way to use it, as in counting windows. This is a very simple example as it will only count windows in one wall.

Now I'm waiting for Pat to find that single function call that makes these gyrations completely unnecessary.



PROCEDURE CountWindowsInWall;
{ 8 July 2012 - RJMullin }
{ Count the number of selected Windows in a wall. }
{ Watch the Message Window for the answer. }
H :Handle;
I :Integer;

function FSPIOinWall(H :Handle) :Handle;
{ Return a handle to the First Selected PIO in a Wall. }
{ If handle H is not a WALL, return NIL. }
	PIOHand :Handle;

	function SelectedPIO(H :Handle) :Boolean;
	{ Find 1st handle then quit looking. }
		if Selected(H) & (GetTypeN(H) = 86) then
			PIOHand := H;
		SelectedPIO := PIOHand <> nil;	{ quit when true }
	End;		{ SelectedPIO }

Begin		{ FSPIOinWall }
	PIOHand := nil;
	if (GetTypeN(H) = 68) then begin	{ It's a WALL }
		H := FIn3D(H);			{ first object in the WALL }
		ForEachObjectInList(SelectedPIO, 2, 0, H);
	end;		{ if }
	FSPIOinWall := PIOHand;
End;		{ FSPIOinWall }

H := FSActLayer;
if (H <> nil) then begin
	I := 0;		{ Window counter }
	if (GetTypeN(H) = 68) then begin	{ it's a WALL }
		H := FSPIOinWall(H);		{ *** This is the call *** }

		{ ?? THE REST IS FLUFF ?? }
		while (H <> nil) do begin
			if (GetName(GetRecord(H, NumRecords(H))) = 'Window') then
				I := I + 1;
			H := NextSObj(H);
		end;		{ while }

		if (I = 1) then 
			message ('There is ', I, ' selected window in this wall.')
		else message ('There are ', I, ' selected windows in this wall.');
	else message('This is not a wall.');
end;		{ if }


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I was actually thinking of GetPickObjectInfo.

I don't have time to fight with this today, but the way I would go about this is to make an array of the selected objects, get their locations and then step through those locations to get the SubHd object to do the changes.

I don't know if that would really work or not, but that would be my first approach.


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Can someone out there please help me make this work on selected windows?

I think you were on the right track but missing the code for selected windows as in the following:

ForEachObject(ChangeSill, ((PON='Window') & (SEL=TRUE)));

you can further restrict the criteria by including only the selected windows in a layer.

ForEachObject(ChangeSill, ((L='Layer Name') & (PON='Window') & (SEL=TRUE)));

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