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cycle through tool options

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Is there a keyboard shortcut to cycle backwards through tool options. I use "U" to cycle forward- through various polyline modes for example. But I've never been able to find a shortcut that goes backward. With a tool that has 6 mode options, I'd really like to be able to hit shift-U once, rather than U-U-U-U-U-U especially since I inevitably miss the mode I want and have to go through again only to get more impatient.

Am I missing something or is this one for the Wish List?

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  • 6 years later...
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  • 4 months later...

yes, totally agree, whats more if we could not only toggle through the modi but also give each mode an own shortcut unregarded what was the last choice.


Example mirror tool:


shortcut + U leads to duplicate mode when single mode was active and vice versa.


I dont always want to check what was the previous tool mode and see if it still fits but want to have a shortcut for mirror in duplicate mode and another shortcut for mirror in single mode. Same with other tools.


On my personal 'annoing things list' since 2004 ....


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