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3D Hatches

Chris D


Yep, this old chestnut. Nearly 300 mentions on this techboard according to Google..

Long term I want to see hatches/textures/tiles/image fills all combined into building materials, but what I can't understand is why we can't have 3D hatches.

I want to be able to produce quick 2D elevations from a BIM workflow, but this rendering roadblock is a pain in the a**

Give us the ability to have hatches on 3D objects and we're done.

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I like the cut and normal fill pattern fills.

We have one fill type now, this must be the normal fill. Give us the extra cut fill that will be used in walls, columns and in section views! That way we don't need to make two classes anymore for the same thing! I know have two classes for the same thing: one with MAT and one with VA as suffix. MAT is my section attributes and VA is my front/side/... view attributes.

This is a must for the new version!!!

We also need a material library on top of that so that we can choose to use the manual settings, or that we can choose to get the attributes of some sort of material. That way we can define concrete classes for walls, floors etc... and have their attributes linked to the concrete material.

NVW: Go for it!

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Classes and materials need to have:

2D Surface hatches/patterns which render in 3D

A cut/section pattern

Image /texture pattern

I've longed missed this and posted about it ages ago.

Since so many VW users are starting to catch on, it would be interesting if VW gives us what we ask for.

I would stick my neck out here and say if it's not in the 2013 release I'd be selling my VW licence.

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The problem we have here is that NemV is sticking their heads in the ground and hoping this issue will go away. They are doing this because they know this isn't a simple fix because vw is based on old technology as compared to Revit which in new tech.

As a lot of users are finding out, Revit has lots of tools that they need and vw doesn't have those tools. I think the best solution is move to Revit then maybe NemV will get their heads out the ground and re-built vw from the ground up with a new philosophy/technology.

My 2c. :)

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