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How best to model repeating bay windows + schedule them, etc.?

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Once again I'm coming up against this problem of repeatability and only having tools that provide one extreme or the other.

Either I create a symbol encompassing the walls and window, which makes it very fast to change but impossible to schedule and auto-bound slabs, etc.

Or I go with individual walls and windows, which means I can schedule the windows and auto-bound slabs for instance, but, given that there're 60 of these bay windows, they will be very cumbersome to change.

Any thoughts on the best way to approach it?


Edited by Christiaan
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What are you trying to schedule? Just the window unit itself or the entire projected object? When I run into issues like this, I usually take the route which insures a less cumbersome route and change the expectations of what the schedule will look like. One can create a spreadsheet of any object in VW, esp. if you attach a record set to it.

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