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Old Script in New version not Working

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Good day guys

This might have been discuss before and I could not find any direct info and help on it.

I have a script to create layerscaff in an old version and does not want to work in the new version.

I did not write the script and not to clued up with doing it.

What can I do to fix this?

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Good day Joshua

We have "fixed" it... for now.

It is a plug-in someone wrote for us and only worked in v.11.

I am now running both v11.5 and 2011 on my machine.

Would be great to know what to do to run it in 2011 though, but need to wait for the people that know to come back from leave.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee


There were a lot of changes between v11.5 and 2011 in Vectorworks and Vectorscript. Several Vectorscript calls from v11 are not obsolete and no longer work in 2011. Also the Vectorworks file extension changed from .mcd to .vwx so any script that access external Vectorworks files will no longer be able to find or use the old .mcd files.

If you an give us the exact error message we may be able to help you out a little more.

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