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archoncad Newsletter from Jonathan Pickup

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Happy New Year!

Thank you to all my customers and blog readers. 2011 was a good year

for me thanks to you. Blog visits have gone up substantially,

subscribers to my Vector-workout Subscription increased dramatically,

manual sales were up slightly, and other work has kept me very busy.

2012 looks like it will be a very good year. I am adding new webinar

sessions for my subscribers called Special Interest Groups (see

below), I have improved the manuals I write for Nemetschek

Vectorworks, I have have completely updated my Landmark Tutorial

manual (available later).

You should take time now to plan your year. It will really be worth


Read more... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/blog.php?id=8881018511188696464


Special Interest Groups

Starting in February 2012, the Vector-workout Subscription will be

offering Special Interest Groups as part of the subscription. The

purpose of the SIG will be to have online sessions that are suited to

a particular part of Vectorworks, and will generally follow on from

the topics discussed in the workshop sessions.

The Special Interest meetings will be the week after the interactive

workshops so that issues raises in the workshop can be expanded in

the group meetings, and explained with examples to suit that group.

Read more... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/blog.php?id=8389154617416225023


Unified View

If you wanted to see a complete view of your project, you can use

Unified View.

Unified View allows you to see all the visible layers in your file,

and when you move the view around, all the layers look like they are

joined together.

Read more... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/blog.php?id=6623538336850633546


Using Your Phone or Tablet on a Tripod

I have tried to use an iPhone and an iPad to shoot video, but the

results are not great.

What I really want to is to mount the iPhone on a tripod. A standard

tripod has a bolt to connect a camera, but the phone and tablet do

not have the threaded hole for the bolt.

Read more... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/blog.php?id=5081931190042538919


Building a Vectorworks Gingerbread House

Every year I create a gingerbread house to share with the extended

family over the holiday season.

For the past several years I have been using Vectorworks to create a

model. This is a great way to make a complex gingerbread house. You

can design your own dream gingerbread house.

Read more... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/blog.php?id=627791614926118710


A Community for Archoncad

I have started a community board on the archoncad web site so that

users can post questions, comments and suggestions. I'm hoping that

users will use the community stay in touch with others, and use the

community for suggestions for manuals and user group topics.

Image courtesy of Michael at webnash.com. You can read more about the

project here - http://webnash.com/Page48.html .

Read more... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/Community/


Vector-workout Subscription

Sessions coming up in the next couple months:

January :

Vectorworks 2012 has a new way to set up layers, using a new concept

called stories. Stories is a powerful concept, and it has an effect

on walls, columns, slabs, stairs and other building elements. This

session will show you how to get the best from them.

The online booking page is now live. So, if you are a subscriber,

book now. - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/cadsupport/workshop.html

If you want to be a subscriber, join here... - http://www.archoncad.co.nz/subscription.html


What's New in Vectorworks 2012

If you want a guide to what is new in Vectorworks 2012, there is a

book available in the Kindle bookstore - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0068B9NNU .


Site Model Tutorial for Vectorworks 2012

I have updated my site modeling manual on the Kindle store - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005TPQ4AG for

Vectorworks 2012. This manual covers how to create a site model from

imported 2-D information, imported 3-D information, and scanned or

PDF images.

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