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Cartoon & Hidden line

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I sometimes like to have a poch? or two on a hidden line isometric detail to give it more depth. I either do this in Annotation by drawing over a drawing if I'm in a hurry, or I have to add lights & render-much trial & error. I've tried Cartoon as an artistic style but this is not really acceptable in most cases. Does anyone have any other techniques?

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In a line and tone or pure tone drawing, we emphasize the shape of cut elements with a tonal value that contrasts with the spatial field of the floor plan . We refer to this darkening of walls, columns, and other solid matter as poch?.

lt is typical to blacken the cut elements in small-scale plans in order to give them prominence. lf only a moderate degree of contrast with the drawing field is desired, use a middle gray value to illuminate the shape of the cut elements. This is especially important in large-scale plans when large areas of black can carry too much visual weight or create too stark a contrast. However, if plan elements such as flooring patterns and furniture give the field of the drawing a tonal value, a gray or black tone may be necessary to produce the desired degree of contrast between solid matter and spatial void.

Poch? establishes a figure-ground relationship between solid and void - between container and contained. We tend to read the cut elements of a floor plan as figures and the bounded space as background. To focus on the shape of space as figure, we can reverse the normal pattern of dark marks drawn on a light surface and instead produce light marks on a dark surface.

Page 138 of Francis Ching's book Design Drawing (1998 edition).

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