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Rotate Callout Tool?

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I have a drawing where I done a bunch of call outs using the "Callout" tool.

I then decided I didn't really like the way the drawing looked on a sheet of paper so I used the "Rotate Plan" input up in the top right corner of my work space. Now my drawing has a nice horizontal look to it but all my call outs are rotated.

If I try to use the rotate command to change the callouts they snap to some prefixed angle.

If I use the callout tool to create a new callout it immediately snaps to the same prefixed angle.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the OIP that would allow me to rotate or unrotate the existing object.

I can type regular text no matter what the rotate plan is set to, and then if I rotate the plan some more or less the new text follows the rotation.

Any ideas?

This is on VW2010.



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Callout text will always be horizontal to the design or sheet layer. It takes the leader line angle in the OIP and rotates the text by the same angle so it always looks horizontal.

If you need to rotate the plan then use a viewport on a sheet layer and add the callouts to the sheet layer either outside the view or as annotations inside the view. This way you can always rotate the view but the callouts will remain horizontal.

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Callout text will always be horizontal to the design or sheet layer.

It takes the leader line angle in the OIP and rotates the text by the same angle so it always looks horizontal.

Thanks for the response. When I change the angle in the OIP the only thing that changes is the angle of the leader line no the text. The text is fixed at the angle it was inserted which rotates with the plan. If it would justify horizontal to the screen that would be perfect, but it doesn't.

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