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The OpenGL Render of Mikes "MM..." file doesn't show the triangutaltions on both of my Computers.

Could that really be a driver problem caused by the OS?

I was really thinking about upgrading, because for some Programms I need OS X 10.6. But I don't want Open GL Renderings to be destroied.

It would be nice If someone else with OSX 10.5.8 and VW 2011 could try the Files.

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MichaelK is on OSX 10.6.6 and he doesn't get those lines either so that would seem to shoot my theory down in flames.

No, I'm actually on 10.6.7.

I have occasionally seen the issue with walls and with extrudes made from clipped surfaces.

But I opened GWS's original file on my machine and nothing I could do would make it render with those extra lines. It opened up clean and stayed that way.



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My iMac has the same problem. I tried subtracting the circle from rectangle, to see if it was a geometry issue, but that didn't work.

Maybe try going into 'OpenGL Options' under pull down menu 'View - Rendering'. I am getting less 3D polygonal triangulation playing with these settings.

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I just exported it back to VW 2010 and VW 2009. No problems on either one.

I'm way outside my comfort zone here, but isn't Open GL handled by the video card and other rendering modes handled by the CPU?

I wonder if the machines with the problems have a specific card or vram size?


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Diamond turning anti aliasing on just makes the lines look finer on screen and therefore less obtrusive. It doesn't get rid of them.

The lines which show are the segments that exist in the object. When OpenGL is set to Very High there are lots of them and when it is set to Low there are fewer of them (see images below).

With Hidden Line Rendering you can remove these segment lines by setting the Smoothing Angle to a value other than zero. I'm guessing that OpenGL has a similar hidden built in functionality. For some reason though this seems to works with some configurations but not with others.

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Hi Mike,

I found the 3D polygons that were showing on the model you posted showed up in different places when I changed those preferences. That said, although fewer, there was still some 3D polygonal vertices showing.

Maybe it is best just to go back to the old days in the SLVP of turn off draw edges in the Background Render OpenGL Settings, and turn on hidden line render in the foreground render settings (This is what you are suggesting above?).


Edited by Diamond
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Yes, as many upsides as there are to being able to do things many different ways in VW, this is one of the downsides.

The openGL is much better in 2011 than 2010 it would seem (besides this issue). We are testing it to keep abreast of the updates, but will jump into VW2012 when it arrives after September.

All the best.

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