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Importing & Using ImageCELs

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Both of those places have image files that are in one of the formats we can import as. To use the images/textures as textures, you would need RenderWorks to create a texture out of the image and then apply the newly created texture to your drawings.

The images of people and so forth will be imported as images and you will only be able to see them in 2d.

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I downloaded a sample image from the ImageCel website (business guy with a tacky-looking tie) and popped it into a drawing to test it out. It worked fine (if you don't have much experience using cut-out mannequins in your renderings, there's a very good 'how-to' on the VW website). The only flaw in the file I tried was that the clipping path which the ImageCel people had provided wasn't super exact, but if you open up the file in Photoshop you can tweak the clipping path to your liking. One thing to keep in mind: the lighting on the figures is very distinct - a person photographed outdoors might look odd in a low-lighting interior scene. And of course you have to be aware of the light/shadow direction - you can flip the file in Photoshop if it's lit the wrong way (give it a new name, then create a mask for it)

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