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Custom Legend in key to instrumentation?

LD Peter L

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Does anyone know of a way to change the Legend shown by the key to instrumantation?

I have been able to paste one in, but then every time I run the command to recalculate the inventory/instrument count, it resets to the default legend. I would very much like to include the symbols for dimmer and channel in the legend.

I have had a few instances on tour where the local theater has swapped dimmer and channel numbers, due at least in part to a lack of a clear legend.


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  • 1 month later...


Generate a key with the current label legend then ungroup it and move it off the key. I do this twice, once for my conventional legend and once for my intelligent legend. Now you have the label legend independent of the key and you can put it wherever you want.

I recently copied that info to my title block and now I don't even have to worry about it at all.

I have found that little font tweaks can help eliminate mistakes by local crews. I make my unit numbers bold for instance.

I hope this helps.

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Thanks for the endorsements! My plug-in lets the user specify a symbol to use for the legend key, what I call a "Typical Symbol." (By symbol, I mean a key to legends and indicators, not just an instrument symbol.)

Even before I made the Savvy Symbol Key, I had my own typical symbol that I would just drop in at the bottom of my key.


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  • 2 months later...

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