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snapping in 2011- its driving me nuts

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i really dont like the snapping in 2011, it feels very clunky for some reason and doesnt seem to act like it did in 2008. for a start it keeps snapping to the edge of text boxes, why on earth anybody would want to do that i dont know, but when i am trying to draw over a survey plan its is a nightmare as i keep snapping to the levels all over the plan. i have tried checking and unchecking options in snap preferences to no avail, i may be missing something here. i also cannot find the snap radius option that was in the preferences menu in 2008, which allowed you to set a pixel radius, anybody know where this has gone or what it has been changed to.

if anyone has any ideas of how i can make the snapping better, please pipe in and give me some clues.


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Monkey, there are a couple ways to adjust snapping in 2011. FWIW I didn't like the defaults either. Check the following things (someone remind me if I've left something out):

1) in VW Prefs>Interactice, you can change the size of the "Selection Box" and the "Snap Box".

2) Double Clicking on the "Snapping Palette" will bring up the "Smart Cursor Settings". In here you can set all the different parts of objects to snap (or not), but more importantly, check that your "Snap Grid" isn't set to something ridiculous. Often I turn of the Snap Grid altogether as it gives me lots of erroneous snap points that have nothing to do with the object(s) to which I am snapping.

Hope that helps!

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Have you tried decreasing the "time to acquire" settings (see attached. in Snapping Pref's). Note: I believe the top number must be greater than the bottom, even if only slightly.

For me, the default (shipped) times were way too long and it felt like I was waiting forever for VW to acquire a snap. Now, with settings as shown I am much happier.

Hope that helps!

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