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Parametric Design

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Could you tell me which team?

"Christoph Schindler, Fabian Scheurer, and Markus Braach, a team of architects and computer scientists with the caad.designtoproduction research group at the CAAD Chair of Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt at ETH," according to the PDF you posted.


As for me, I'm just wondering how to do this:


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Sand Dollar



// Sand Dollar

// j.tarbell March, 2004

// Albuquerque, New Mexico

// complexification.net

// Processing 0085 Beta syntax update

// j.tarbell April, 2005

// dim is the screen dimensions of rendering window

int dim = 800;

// num is the actual number of sand dollars

int num = 0;

// maxnum is the maximum number of sand dollars

int maxnum = 50;

int time;

// gtime measures rendering time in the system

int gtime;

// maxdepth keeps the tree structures reasonable

int maxdepth = 7;

// k defines number of grid spaces (n = k * k)

int k=5;

// drag is the number of segments within a full revolution

int drag = 1024;

// drawing is the state of the system. setting to false stops all activity

boolean drawing = true;

// sandDollars is the array of sand dollar objects

SandDollar[] sandDollars;

// maxpal is the maximum number of 'good color' palette entries

int maxpal = 512;

// numpal is the actual number of 'good color' palette entries

int numpal = 0;

// goodcolor is the array of palette entries

color[] goodcolor = new color[maxpal];

// ENVIRONMENT METHODS ---------------------------

void setup() {

// set up drawing area





// create sand dollars

sandDollars = new SandDollar[maxnum];

// generate sand dollars



void draw() {

if (drawing) {

for (int n=0;n

if (gtime++>(drag*1.1)) {

// stop drawing

drawing = false;





void mousePressed()


if(!drawing) {

// make new instances



drawing = true;



// METHODS ---------------------------

void genAllsandDollars() {

// n tracks totally number of instances

int n=0;

// g is calculation of grid spacing

int g=int(dim/k);

for (int y=0;y

for (int x=0;x

// bp is number of petals

int bp = int(random(13)+3);

sandDollars[n] = new SandDollar(x*g+g/2,y*g+3*g/6,0,-HALF_PI,5.55,bp);





// set number of sandDollars


// set rendering clock



// OBJECTS ---------------------------

class SandDollar {

// feet

int depth;

int limbs;

int petals;

float time, timev, timevv;

float x, y;

float ox, oy;

float radius;

float theta, ptheta;

int numsp = 1;

int maxsp = 13;

SandPainter[] sp = new SandPainter[maxsp];

SandDollar[] mysandDollars = new SandDollar[2];

SandDollar(float X, float Y, int Depth, float Theta, float Radius, int Petals) {

// init

ox = x = X;

oy = y = Y;

ptheta = Theta;

radius = Radius;

depth = Depth;

petals = Petals;

limbs = 0;

time = 0;

timev = petals*TWO_PI/drag;

if (random(100)>50) timev*=-1;

// add sweeps

numsp = int(2+random(depth/2.0));

for (int n=0;n

sp[n] = new SandPainter();



void render() {

theta = random(-HALF_PI/3,HALF_PI/3);

radius *= random(1.02,1.20);

// set next radial point

x = ox + radius*cos(theta);

y = oy + radius*sin(theta);

if (depth

int lnum=1;

if (random(100)>90-depth) lnum++;

for (int n=0;n

int bp = petals * int(1+random(3));

mysandDollars[n] = new SandDollar(x,y,depth+1,theta,radius,bp);






void swim() {

// move through time


// spin in sinusoidal waves

if (depth==0) {

theta += TWO_PI/drag;

} else {

theta += sin(time)/1640;

if (depth%2==0) {

radius += sin(time)*0.22;

} else {

radius += cos(time)*0.22;



// set next radius point

x = ox + radius*cos(theta+ptheta);

y = oy + radius*sin(theta+ptheta);

// render sand painters

for (int n=0;n



// draw child limbs

for (int n=0;n





void setOrigin(float X, float Y, float Theta) {

ox = X;

oy = Y;

ptheta = Theta;



class SandPainter {

float p;

color c;

float g;

SandPainter() {

p = random(1.0);

c = somecolor();

g = random(0.01,0.1);


void render(float x, float y, float ox, float oy) {

// draw painting sweeps




float maxg = 0.22;

if (g<-maxg) g=-maxg;

if (g>maxg) g=maxg;

int grains = 6;

float w = g/(grains*1.0);

for (int i=0;i

float a = 0.1-i/((grains+1)*10);


point(ox+(x-ox)*sin(p + sin(i*w)),oy+(y-oy)*sin(p + sin(i*w)));

point(ox+(x-ox)*sin(p - sin(i*w)),oy+(y-oy)*sin(p - sin(i*w)));




// COLOR METHODS -----------------------------------------------

color somecolor() {

// pick some random good color

return goodcolor[int(random(numpal))];


void takecolor(String fn) {

PImage b;

b = loadImage(fn);


for (int x=0;x

for (int y=0;y

color c = get(x,y);

boolean exists = false;

for (int n=0;n

if (c==goodcolor[n]) {

exists = true;




if (!exists) {

// add color to pal

if (numpal

goodcolor[numpal] = c;


} else {






// pad with whites

for (int n=0;n<64;n++) {

goodcolor[numpal] = #FFFFFF;



// pad with blacks

for (int n=0;n<100;n++) {

goodcolor[numpal] = #000000;




// j.tarbell March, 2004

// Albuquerque, New Mexico

// complexification.net

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