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Creating RW2011 Textures w/ Reflectivity Image Maps


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Can someone clue me in on how the Reflectivity Image Map shader channel is supposed to be used in v2011? There were more Image Reflectivity options in v2010 that seemed to give better results than in v2011.

The RW help file was no help, I thought it would at least say what type of image to use. I looked at many of the NV provided textures and none of them use an image in the Reflectivity shader channel. Is this for a reason?

I tried using a greyscale specular map in the Reflectivity Image map channel (as you would in any other 3d rendering application), and it just made the whole surface grey, completely overriding the base Image color map. So it appears that RW cannot use specular maps.

Generally I guess I'm asking how to make more realistic textures in RW so that I don't need to use a 3d-party rendering app (like C4D).



Edited by rDesign
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  • 9 months later...


Thanks for your reply, but as I noted in my original post that is what I tried to do:

I tried using a greyscale specular map in the Reflectivity Image map channel (as you would in any other 3d rendering application), and it just made the whole surface grey, completely overriding the base image color map.

I think my problem was that the default settings for the RW texture Reflectivity channel were so off the mark that it made the whole surface grey (as I noted in my orig. post). I had to crank the Ambient & Diffuse sliders way up from where they were defaulted.

So my question now is why are the default RW channel settings not where you would expect them to be? Is there a way to reset them? They should default to values that Nemetschek recommends you should use if you want to create a partially reflective material, for example.

I no longer have Vw2011 so I can't tell if this works any better than it does in Vw2010, but I really think RW needs a complete user interface overhaul to make everything more user friendly - easier to use. Too much time is spent tweaking the sliders a bit at a time only to find out you did it too much, or not enough. Please add number dialogue boxes to the sliders.

I know that there are third-party resources, such as your own, that give us better insight into the arcana of Renderworks, but for the price of admission Nemetschek should do a much better job of clearly explaining the program's basic functionality, and give an example of how to use those functions.



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