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problem importing PDF's

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I have not seen this problem with pdf import. A pdf my look fuzzy until zoom in. Is every pdf import out of focus? Any pdf in any VW file? Is this in Design Layer views? Sheet Layer View Ports? Try to describe the problem in more detail.

A test is to import a known "sharp" pdf (when viewed in Apple Preview or Adobe Reader or other pdf friendly software) into a new blank VW file.

Please make yourself a profile with a signature in this forum's My Stuff tab near top of the forum window. Show your VW version and a bit about your OS and hardware. That helps with troubleshooting.


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OK, This may not help, but at least it's something:

I am assuming that the problem is with all elements of the pdf, but looked mainly at text zoomed in as far as possible. If I import a pdf that was created in software (as opposed to a pdf scan of something) containing text and an image, I can get it to go jaggy if I uncheck Quartz Imaging in VW Prefs>Display tab.

I noticed that in the VWprefs>Edit tab toggling the 2d conversion and JPG/PNG made no dif to focus.

This is only apparent at extreme zoom. Your MB Pro probably has a better graphics card than mine, so can probably zoom further.

I think we need some others to offer help.

Best of luck.


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My imported PDF's are fuzzy without zooming in at all.

I'd tried with Quartz imaging checked and un checked and saw no difference.

What I want to do is import a PDF that was created from a different CAD software so I can make my own notes. But the quality of the import is not good enough use.

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How are the PDFs being created originally? It sounds like they are being created at a low resolution as an image, without any vector data (ie. maybe screen resolution). There may not be enough data to zoom in on...

I have encountered this once and a while. It often happens if they are compressed when sending via the Mac Mail program (don't ever let it compress PDFs). When you ungroup a PDF in Vectorworks, you will often see how low resolution the bitmap portion of the PDF is.

It can sometimes help if you import the PDF onto a layer that's a small scale and you scale it down to the size you need.


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