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Viewport Scale Incorrect

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Vectorworks 2010 has a glich with the scale of Viewports. We've had several drawing files with one or multiple viewports showing the incorrect scale. The Object Info of the viewport will call out 1/8" scale but the viewport is showing a different scale. The design layer and viewport have the same scale. If I go and change the viewport layer to another scale and then back to 1/8" it may or may not scale correctly. I've got SP4 and we still have the glitch.

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The Viewport reads as 3/16ths when I click on it.

This may just be a case of confusion between the Drawing Label and the Viewport. Someone has over-ridden the automatic scale function of the Drawing Label. Proper practice would be to put the Drawing Label in the Annotations of the Viewport and have the scale set to "numbers only" or "scale label" in the drop down menu. If set up this way, the Drawing Label scale will automatically update when the Viewport scale is changed.


Edited by Kevin McAllister
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I looks like you have set the Scale Display Style: to "Custom" and chosen 1/8" scale. The viewport is at 3/16" scale. Copy the Drawing Label, enter viewport annotations and past there. Set the Scale Display Style: to "Scale Label" and it will correctly display the viewport scale. It will not correctly display the scale of the viewport outside viewport annotations.

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There is no confussion between the drawing scale label. When I click on the viewport the object info says the scale is 1/8" and that is not correct. When I orignally set the viewport scale I picked 1/8" from the object info - scale drop menu. What I get is a box saying 1/8" and a viewport at 3/16". This is a serious glitch in the program.

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I'm not seeing a scale problem either. When I open the file, the viewport is in 3/16" scale. I also checked the viewport scale manually by comparing some dimensions. Perhaps you could post a PDF of the sheet layer that shows the anomaly.

It may be helpful if you added a signature to your profile that details your version of Vectorworks as well as the system you're running it on.


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After thinking about this thread again, I went back and checked an anomaly a shop discovered on one of my own drawings. I think there actually may be a scale bug affecting sheet layer Viewports.

Here is my example in both PDF and VWX formats. The Viewports are the same scale and true views, yet the dimensions are different. Both Viewports look at a single 3D model so things should be the same.


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There has to be a bug. It acts like a bug because if I keep clicking on and off the viewport it will change from 1/8" to 3/16" in the object info box. I just had another guy in the office open the file and he had the same issue I did. We both have VW2010 SP4. with windows xp.

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Kevin I think that your Dimensions are accidentally sapping to the Viewport Crop. If you extend the crop up and redo the dimension you'll get your 10' and 2' dims like the others.

MBMD I'm on a Mac and don't get the error you are talking of.

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