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custom object info dialog

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We work with specific items that we want to build as 2d/3d objects, being able to control them through the OI pallet and then create report.

How complicated it is to create a custom dialog for special symbols?

I went through the plugin editor. And then realized i need to use vectorscript...... is there another way?? for no programmer....??

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Vectorscript is the easiest way to write Plugin Objects (PIOs). Objects that take parameters from the Object Info Palette (OIP) and change size/shape/attributes based on that data.

What kinds of objects do you need to draw and what do you need them to do?

If it is change shape, you are probably stuck with having to do Vectorscript.

It is is Text attached to the objects you could create symbols and do Link Text to Record.

Let us know what you need and we will see what we can do to help.

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Hi Pat,

We have different types of profiles - the PIO parameters should include popup menus like:

type of profile


height adjustment -> that is the main issue. It must be adjustable.

price: per unit/per meter

different panels:

straight, curved, different heights



price: per unit/per meter

To those we attach a record and then create quotation.

In the plugin editor i entered most of the data, including definitions of menu types. But what is the next step?


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Your next step is to learn enough vectorscript to make routines to draw the objects.

If it was a rectangle the code would be something like:


The 0,0, and 10,10 are the corners of the object. You would then need to replace those hard coded values with the values coming from your OIP data values. So if you had parameters of TopY,LeftX,BottomY and RightX it would look like:


The p in front of the name is required to get the editor to recognize it is a "Parameter"

If you don't have any programming experience, I recommend you see if you can find a basic programming book on Pascal as that is the language Vectorscript is based on.

You might be able to get a jump on what you are trying to do by drawing one of the objects in a new blank file and then Export as Vectorscript. Open that file in a text editor and look for the parts that actually draw the object(s). Ignore all the setup (fonts, classes, layers, etc.) code. You don't need any of that.

You might want to consider trying to find someone to do the programming for you. It sounds like you have hundreds of hours of programming, even for someone who is already skilled in VS. If you don't have that skill and need to learn the basics it might be four times as long.

Good Luck

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